54 #include <visp/vpConfig.h>
55 #include <visp/vpDebug.h>
65 #if (defined (VISP_HAVE_VIPER850) && defined (VISP_HAVE_DC1394_2) && defined(VISP_HAVE_DISPLAY))
67 #include <visp/vp1394TwoGrabber.h>
68 #include <visp/vpImage.h>
69 #include <visp/vpDisplay.h>
70 #include <visp/vpDisplayX.h>
71 #include <visp/vpDisplayOpenCV.h>
72 #include <visp/vpDisplayGTK.h>
73 #include <visp/vpMath.h>
74 #include <visp/vpHomogeneousMatrix.h>
75 #include <visp/vpFeaturePoint.h>
76 #include <visp/vpPoint.h>
77 #include <visp/vpServo.h>
78 #include <visp/vpFeatureBuilder.h>
79 #include <visp/vpRobotViper850.h>
80 #include <visp/vpIoTools.h>
81 #include <visp/vpException.h>
82 #include <visp/vpMatrixException.h>
83 #include <visp/vpServoDisplay.h>
84 #include <visp/vpDot2.h>
85 #include <visp/vpPlot.h>
106 double Tloop = 1./60.f;
117 std::cout <<
"Tloop: " << Tloop << std::endl;
120 vpDisplayX display(I,800,100,
"Current image") ;
121 #elif defined(VISP_HAVE_OPENCV)
123 #elif defined(VISP_HAVE_GTK)
140 for (
unsigned int i=0 ; i < 6 ; i++)
142 Qmin[i] = jointMin[i] + 0.5*rho*(jointMax[i]-jointMin[i]) ;
143 Qmax[i] = jointMax[i] - 0.5*rho*(jointMax[i]-jointMin[i]) ;
145 Qmiddle = (Qmin + Qmax) /2.;
148 for (
unsigned int i=0 ; i < 6 ; i++) {
149 tQmin[i]=Qmin[i]+ 0.5*(rho1)*(Qmax[i]-Qmin[i]) ;
150 tQmax[i]=Qmax[i]- 0.5*(rho1)*(Qmax[i]-Qmin[i]) ;
162 plot.initGraph(0, 10);
163 plot.initGraph(1, 6);
170 plot.initRange(0,0,200,1,-1.2,1.2,0.1);
171 plot.setTitle(0,
"Joint behavior");
172 plot.initRange(1,0,200,1,-0.01,0.01,0.05);
173 plot.setTitle(1,
"Joint velocity");
177 for (
unsigned int i=0; i < 6; i++) {
178 sprintf(legend,
"q%d", i+1);
179 plot.setLegend(0, i, legend);
180 sprintf(legend,
"q%d", i+1);
181 plot.setLegend(1, i, legend);
183 plot.setLegend(0, 6,
184 plot.setLegend(0, 7,
185 plot.setLegend(0, 8,
186 plot.setLegend(0, 9,
193 plot.setColor(0, 4,
vpColor(0, 128, 0));
195 for (
unsigned int i= 6; i < 10; i++)
203 plot.setColor(1, 4,
vpColor(0, 128, 0));
208 std::cout <<
"Click on a dot..." << std::endl;
235 std::cout << cVe <<std::endl ;
244 std::cout << std::endl ;
259 dc1394video_frame_t *frame = NULL;
261 std::cout <<
"\nHit CTRL-C to stop the loop...\n" << std::flush;
268 Tv = (double)(t_0 - t_1) / 1000.0;
269 std::cout <<
"Tv: " << Tv << std::endl;
275 frame = g.dequeue(I);
308 qpre += -lambda*prim_task*(4*Tloop) ;
312 unsigned int npb =0 ;
313 for (
unsigned int i=0 ; i < 6 ;i++) {
315 if (fabs(Qmin[i]-q[i]) > fabs(Qmin[i]-qpre[i])) {
317 std::cout <<
"Joint " << i <<
" near limit " << std::endl ;
320 if (fabs(Qmax[i]-q[i]) > fabs(Qmax[i]-qpre[i])) {
322 std::cout <<
"Joint " << i <<
" near limit " << std::endl ;
332 unsigned int dimKernelL = kernelJ1.
getCols() ;
340 for (
unsigned int j=0 ; j < 6 ; j++)
342 if (std::fabs(pb[j]-1) <= std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) {
343 for (
unsigned int i=0 ; i < dimKernelL ; i++)
344 E[k][i] = kernelJ1[j][i] ;
346 S[k] = -prim_task[j] ;
351 Ep = E.
t()*(E*E.t()).pseudoInverse() ;
363 v = -lambda * (prim_task + e2);
375 for (
unsigned int i=0 ; i < 6 ; i++) {
376 data[i] = (q[i] - Qmiddle[i]) ;
377 data[i] /= (Qmax[i] - Qmin[i]) ;
380 unsigned int joint = 2;
381 data[6] = 2*(tQmin[joint]-Qmiddle[joint])/(Qmax[joint] - Qmin[joint]) ;
382 data[7] = 2*(tQmax[joint]-Qmiddle[joint])/(Qmax[joint] - Qmin[joint]) ;
383 data[8] = -1 ; data[9] = 1 ;
385 plot.plot(0, iter, data);
386 plot.plot(1, iter, v);
"You do not have an afma6 robot or a firewire framegrabber connected to your computer...");
void getPosition(const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType frame, vpColVector &position)
Definition of the vpMatrix class.
unsigned int kernel(vpMatrix &KerA, double svThreshold=1e-6)
vpMatrix getTaskJacobian() const
void getCameraParameters(vpCameraParameters &cam, const unsigned int &image_width, const unsigned int &image_height) const
Control of Irisa's Viper S850 robot named Viper850.
static const vpColor black
Class to define colors available for display functionnalities.
void set_eJe(const vpMatrix &eJe_)
Define the X11 console to display images.
void addFeature(vpBasicFeature &s, vpBasicFeature &s_star, const unsigned int select=vpBasicFeature::FEATURE_ALL)
vpRobot::vpRobotStateType setRobotState(vpRobot::vpRobotStateType newState)
Class that defines a 2D point visual feature which is composed by two parameters that are the cartes...
static double measureTimeMs()
void get_eJe(vpMatrix &eJe)
static int wait(double t0, double t)
static const vpColor green
This tracker is meant to track a blob (connex pixels with same gray level) on a vpImage.
void track(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
static void flush(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
static const vpColor orange
vpImagePoint getCog() const
Initialize the velocity controller.
static const vpColor cyan
vpColVector computeControlLaw()
static void display(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
The vpDisplayOpenCV allows to display image using the opencv library.
virtual void displayCross(const vpImagePoint &ip, unsigned int size, const vpColor &color, unsigned int thickness=1)=0
Generic class defining intrinsic camera parameters.
The vpDisplayGTK allows to display image using the GTK+ library version 1.2.
Class that consider the particular case of twist transformation matrix that allows to transform a vel...
void setInteractionMatrixType(const vpServoIteractionMatrixType &interactionMatrixType, const vpServoInversionType &interactionMatrixInversion=PSEUDO_INVERSE)
void setVelocity(const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType frame, const vpColVector &velocity)
void buildFrom(const double x, const double y, const double Z)
vpColVector getJointMin() const
void get_cVe(vpVelocityTwistMatrix &cVe) const
vpColVector getJointMax() const
Class that provides a data structure for the column vectors as well as a set of operations on these v...
void set_cVe(const vpVelocityTwistMatrix &cVe_)
unsigned int getCols() const
Return the number of columns of the matrix.
void initTracking(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, unsigned int size=0)
void print(const vpServo::vpServoPrintType display_level=ALL, std::ostream &os=std::cout)
This class enables real time drawing of 2D or 3D graphics. An instance of the class open a window whi...
Class for firewire ieee1394 video devices using libdc1394-2.x api.
void set_Z(const double Z)
Class that defines a 2D point in an image. This class is useful for image processing and stores only ...
static void create(vpFeaturePoint &s, const vpCameraParameters &cam, const vpDot &d)
void setServo(const vpServoType &servo_type)
static void display(const vpServo &s, const vpCameraParameters &cam, const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, vpColor currentColor=vpColor::green, vpColor desiredColor=vpColor::red, unsigned int thickness=1)
static const vpColor blue