Visual Servoing Platform  version 3.6.1 under development (2025-02-19)
Tutorial: NumPy NPY/NPZ file format for reading/writing large arrays of data


Please refer to the C++ tutorial for an overview of the NPZ format and a quick usage from a C++ point of view.

NumPy offers the possibility to save and read arrays of data in binary format. This is an alternative to the NumPy numpy.savetxt function, which allows the user to save 1D/2D arrays in plain text.

The NPY format, and the NPZ format which is a collection of NPY data zipped into a single file, offer the following advantages:

  • easy usage with numpy.savez and numpy.load for saving and reading arrays of data,
  • binary format contrary to using a plain text file, which reduces the file size,
  • no data loss when saving, this can be problematic when dealing with floating-point numbers,
  • easy access to the different saved variables since the returned loaded object is a dictionnary.

In contrary, the main disadvantages are:

  • it is a non-human readable format,
  • it is meant to be use with arrays of basic data type, hierarchical structures of data are not suitables for instance.
You can refer to this Wikipedia page for an exhaustive comparison of data-serialization formats.
You can refer to the following page for a more thorough description of the NPY format.


Quick overview in Python

The following code snippet illustrates how to save 1-D vector, multi-dimensional array and append data to file.

#! python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
from tempfile import TemporaryFile
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def main():
outfile = TemporaryFile()
x_vec = np.arange(10)
sin_x = np.sin(x_vec)
np.savez(outfile, x=x_vec, y=sin_x)
_ = # Only needed here to simulate closing & reopening file
npzfile = np.load(outfile)
print(f"npzfile.filesz: {npzfile.files}")
# append data to the file:
img = np.random.randint(low=0, high=256, size=(48, 64, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
print(f"img: {img.shape}")
data_dict = dict(npzfile)
data_dict["img"] = img
np.savez(outfile, **data_dict)
_ = # Only needed here to simulate closing & reopening file
npzfile = np.load(outfile)
print(f"npzfile.filesz: {npzfile.files}")
if __name__ == '__main__':

Demo: read and display data from RealSense sensors

In this demo, we will first use saveRealSenseData.cpp to save data on disk:

  • save "[-s]" color "[-c]" infrared "[-i]" depth "[-d]" and pointcloud "[-p]" data on disk:
    • ./saveRealSenseData -s -c -i -d -p
  • use "[-e <pattern>]" to specify the filename pattern:
    • ./saveRealSenseData -s -c -i -d -p -e %06d
  • use "[-o <output folder>]" to specify the output folder, a folder with the current timestamp will be automatically created inside it:
    • ./saveRealSenseData -s -c -i -d -p -o output_dir
  • use "[-C]" to save data on user click:
    • ./saveRealSenseData -s -c -i -d -p -C
  • use "[-f <fps>]" to specify the acquisition framerate:
    • ./saveRealSenseData -s -c -i -d -p -f 60
  • use "[-b]" to force depth and pointcloud data to be saved in little-endian binary format:
    • ./saveRealSenseData -s -c -i -d -p -b
  • use "[-z]" to save pointcloud data in NumPy NPZ format (if this option is not passed and ViSP is not built with the PCL library as dependency, the NPZ format is used by default, unless the "[-b]" option is passed):
    • ./saveRealSenseData -s -c -i -d -p -z
Saving pointcloud data is very time consuming. If you need acquisition data to be as close as possible to the camera framerate, you can save instead the depth data and compute the 3D pointcloud later using the stereo-camera parameters.

Then, you can use the Python script to display the data:

  • python3 -i <folder>