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Visual Servoing Platform
version 3.6.1 under development (2025-03-13)
This is the complete list of members for vpUnscentedKalman, including all inherited members.
filter(const vpColVector &z, const double &dt, const vpColVector &u=vpColVector()) | vpUnscentedKalman | |
getPest() const | vpUnscentedKalman | inline |
getPpred() const | vpUnscentedKalman | inline |
getXest() const | vpUnscentedKalman | inline |
getXpred() const | vpUnscentedKalman | inline |
init(const vpColVector &mu0, const vpMatrix &P0) | vpUnscentedKalman | |
predict(const double &dt, const vpColVector &u=vpColVector()) | vpUnscentedKalman | |
setCommandOnlyFunction(const vpCommandOnlyFunction &b) | vpUnscentedKalman | inline |
setCommandStateFunction(const vpCommandStateFunction &bx) | vpUnscentedKalman | inline |
setMeasurementCovariance(const vpMatrix &R) | vpUnscentedKalman | inline |
setMeasurementMeanFunction(const vpMeanFunction &meanFunc) | vpUnscentedKalman | inline |
setMeasurementResidualFunction(const vpAddSubFunction &measResFunc) | vpUnscentedKalman | inline |
setProcessCovariance(const vpMatrix &Q) | vpUnscentedKalman | inline |
setStateAddFunction(const vpAddSubFunction &stateAddFunc) | vpUnscentedKalman | inline |
setStateMeanFunction(const vpMeanFunction &meanFunc) | vpUnscentedKalman | inline |
setStateResidualFunction(const vpAddSubFunction &stateResFunc) | vpUnscentedKalman | inline |
simpleAdd(const vpColVector &a, const vpColVector &toAdd) | vpUnscentedKalman | inlinestatic |
simpleMean(const std::vector< vpColVector > &vals, const std::vector< double > &wm) | vpUnscentedKalman | inlinestatic |
simpleResidual(const vpColVector &a, const vpColVector &toSubtract) | vpUnscentedKalman | inlinestatic |
update(const vpColVector &z) | vpUnscentedKalman | |
vpAddSubFunction typedef | vpUnscentedKalman | |
vpCommandOnlyFunction typedef | vpUnscentedKalman | |
vpCommandStateFunction typedef | vpUnscentedKalman | |
vpMeanFunction typedef | vpUnscentedKalman | |
vpMeasurementFunction typedef | vpUnscentedKalman | |
vpProcessFunction typedef | vpUnscentedKalman | |
vpUnscentedKalman(const vpMatrix &Q, const vpMatrix &R, std::shared_ptr< vpUKSigmaDrawerAbstract > &drawer, const vpProcessFunction &f, const vpMeasurementFunction &h) | vpUnscentedKalman |