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Visual Servoing Platform
version 3.6.1 under development (2025-02-17)
This is the complete list of members for vpRobotViper650, including all inherited members.
a1 | vpViper | protected |
a2 | vpViper | protected |
a3 | vpViper | protected |
areJointLimitsAvailable | vpRobot | protected |
ARTICULAR_FRAME enum value | vpRobot | |
AUTO enum value | vpRobotViper650 | |
biasForceTorqueSensor() const | vpRobotViper650 | |
c56 | vpViper | protected |
CAMERA_FRAME enum value | vpRobot | |
closeGripper() const | vpRobotViper650 | |
CONST_CAMERA_FILENAME | vpViper650 | static |
CONST_GENERIC_CAMERA_NAME | vpViper650 | static |
CONST_MARLIN_F033C_CAMERA_NAME | vpViper650 | static |
CONST_PTGREY_FLEA2_CAMERA_NAME | vpViper650 | static |
d1 | vpViper | protected |
d4 | vpViper | protected |
d6 | vpViper | protected |
d7 | vpViper | protected |
defaultTool | vpViper650 | static |
disableJoint6Limits() const | vpRobotViper650 | |
eJe | vpRobot | protected |
eJeAvailable | vpRobot | protected |
eMc | vpViper | protected |
enableJoint6Limits() const | vpRobotViper650 | |
END_EFFECTOR_FRAME enum value | vpRobot | |
erc | vpViper | protected |
ESTOP enum value | vpRobotViper650 | |
etc | vpViper | protected |
fJe | vpRobot | protected |
fJeAvailable | vpRobot | protected |
get_cMe(vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMe) const | vpRobotViper650 | |
get_cVe(vpVelocityTwistMatrix &cVe) const | vpRobotViper650 | |
get_eJe(vpMatrix &eJe) VP_OVERRIDE | vpRobotViper650 | virtual |
vpViper650::get_eJe(const vpColVector &q, vpMatrix &eJe) const | vpViper | |
get_eMc(vpHomogeneousMatrix &eMc) const | vpViper | |
get_eMs(vpHomogeneousMatrix &eMs) const | vpViper | |
get_fJe(vpMatrix &fJe) VP_OVERRIDE | vpRobotViper650 | virtual |
vpViper650::get_fJe(const vpColVector &q, vpMatrix &fJe) const | vpViper | |
get_fJw(const vpColVector &q, vpMatrix &fJw) const | vpViper | |
get_fMc(const vpColVector &q) const | vpViper | |
get_fMc(const vpColVector &q, vpHomogeneousMatrix &fMc) const | vpViper | |
get_fMe(const vpColVector &q, vpHomogeneousMatrix &fMe) const | vpViper | |
get_fMw(const vpColVector &q, vpHomogeneousMatrix &fMw) const | vpViper | |
get_wMe(vpHomogeneousMatrix &wMe) const | vpViper | |
getCameraParameters(vpCameraParameters &cam, const unsigned int &image_width, const unsigned int &image_height) const | vpViper650 | |
getCameraParameters(vpCameraParameters &cam, const vpImage< unsigned char > &I) const | vpViper650 | |
getCameraParameters(vpCameraParameters &cam, const vpImage< vpRGBa > &I) const | vpViper650 | |
getCameraParametersProjType() const | vpViper650 | inline |
getControlMode() const | vpRobotViper650 | inline |
getCoupl56() const | vpViper | |
getDisplacement(vpRobot::vpControlFrameType frame, vpColVector &displacement) | vpRobotViper650 | virtual |
getForceTorque(vpColVector &H) const | vpRobotViper650 | |
getForceTorque() const | vpRobotViper650 | |
getForwardKinematics(const vpColVector &q) const | vpViper | |
getInverseKinematics(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &fMc, vpColVector &q, const bool &verbose=false) const | vpViper | |
getInverseKinematicsWrist(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &fMw, vpColVector &q, const bool &verbose=false) const | vpViper | |
getJointMax() const | vpViper | |
getJointMin() const | vpViper | |
getMaxRotationVelocity(void) const | vpRobot | |
getMaxRotationVelocityJoint6() const | vpRobotViper650 | |
getMaxTranslationVelocity(void) const | vpRobot | |
getNDof() const | vpRobot | inline |
getPosition(const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType frame, vpColVector &position) | vpRobotViper650 | virtual |
getPosition(const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType frame, vpColVector &position, double ×tamp) | vpRobotViper650 | |
getPosition(const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType frame, vpPoseVector &position) | vpRobotViper650 | |
getPosition(const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType frame, vpPoseVector &position, double ×tamp) | vpRobotViper650 | |
vpRobot::getPosition(const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType frame) | vpRobot | |
getPositioningVelocity(void) const | vpRobotViper650 | |
getPowerState() const | vpRobotViper650 | |
getRobotFrame(void) const | vpRobot | inlineprotected |
getRobotState(void) const | vpRobot | inlinevirtual |
getTime() const | vpRobotViper650 | |
getToolType() const | vpViper650 | inline |
getVelocity(const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType frame, vpColVector &velocity) | vpRobotViper650 | |
getVelocity(const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType frame, vpColVector &velocity, double ×tamp) | vpRobotViper650 | |
getVelocity(const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType frame) | vpRobotViper650 | |
getVelocity(const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType frame, double ×tamp) | vpRobotViper650 | |
init(void) | vpRobotViper650 | virtual |
init(vpViper650::vpToolType tool, vpCameraParameters::vpCameraParametersProjType projModel=vpCameraParameters::perspectiveProjWithoutDistortion) | vpRobotViper650 | |
init(vpViper650::vpToolType tool, const std::string &filename) | vpRobotViper650 | |
init(vpViper650::vpToolType tool, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &eMc_) | vpRobotViper650 | |
vpViper650::init(const std::string &camera_extrinsic_parameters) | vpViper650 | |
joint_max | vpViper | protected |
joint_min | vpViper | protected |
JOINT_STATE enum value | vpRobot | |
m_defaultPositioningVelocity | vpRobotViper650 | static |
MANUAL enum value | vpRobotViper650 | |
maxRotationVelocity | vpRobot | protected |
maxRotationVelocityDefault | vpRobot | protectedstatic |
maxTranslationVelocity | vpRobot | protected |
maxTranslationVelocityDefault | vpRobot | protectedstatic |
MIXT_FRAME enum value | vpRobot | |
move(const std::string &filename) | vpRobotViper650 | |
nDof | vpRobot | protected |
njoint | vpViper | static |
openGripper() | vpRobotViper650 | |
operator=(const vpRobot &robot) | vpRobot | |
parseConfigFile(const std::string &filename) | vpViper650 | |
powerOff() | vpRobotViper650 | |
powerOn() | vpRobotViper650 | |
projModel | vpViper650 | protected |
qmax | vpRobot | protected |
qmin | vpRobot | protected |
readPosFile(const std::string &filename, vpColVector &q) | vpRobotViper650 | static |
REFERENCE_FRAME enum value | vpRobot | |
saturateVelocities(const vpColVector &v_in, const vpColVector &v_max, bool verbose=false) | vpRobot | static |
savePosFile(const std::string &filename, const vpColVector &q) | vpRobotViper650 | static |
set_eMc(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &eMc_) | vpRobotViper650 | virtual |
set_eMc(const vpTranslationVector &etc_, const vpRxyzVector &erc_) | vpRobotViper650 | virtual |
setMaxRotationVelocity(double w_max) | vpRobotViper650 | |
setMaxRotationVelocityJoint6(double w6_max) | vpRobotViper650 | |
setMaxTranslationVelocity(double maxVt) | vpRobot | |
setPosition(const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType frame, const vpColVector &position) VP_OVERRIDE | vpRobotViper650 | virtual |
setPosition(const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType frame, double pos1, double pos2, double pos3, double pos4, double pos5, double pos6) | vpRobotViper650 | |
setPosition(const std::string &filename) | vpRobotViper650 | |
setPositioningVelocity(double velocity) | vpRobotViper650 | |
setRobotFrame(vpRobot::vpControlFrameType newFrame) | vpRobot | protected |
setRobotState(vpRobot::vpRobotStateType newState) | vpRobotViper650 | virtual |
setToolType(vpViper650::vpToolType tool) | vpViper650 | inlineprotected |
setVelocity(const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType frame, const vpColVector &velocity) VP_OVERRIDE | vpRobotViper650 | virtual |
setVerbose(bool verbose) | vpRobot | inline |
STATE_ACCELERATION_CONTROL enum value | vpRobot | |
STATE_FORCE_TORQUE_CONTROL enum value | vpRobot | |
STATE_POSITION_CONTROL enum value | vpRobot | |
STATE_STOP enum value | vpRobot | |
STATE_VELOCITY_CONTROL enum value | vpRobot | |
stopMotion() | vpRobotViper650 | |
tool_current | vpViper650 | protected |
TOOL_CUSTOM enum value | vpViper650 | |
TOOL_FRAME enum value | vpRobot | |
TOOL_GENERIC_CAMERA enum value | vpViper650 | |
TOOL_MARLIN_F033C_CAMERA enum value | vpViper650 | |
TOOL_PTGREY_FLEA2_CAMERA enum value | vpViper650 | |
TOOL_SCHUNK_GRIPPER_CAMERA enum value | vpViper650 | |
verbose_ | vpRobot | protected |
vpControlFrameType enum name | vpRobot | |
vpControlModeType enum name | vpRobotViper650 | |
vpRobot(void) | vpRobot | |
vpRobot(const vpRobot &robot) | vpRobot | |
vpRobotStateType enum name | vpRobot | |
vpRobotViper650(bool verbose=true) | vpRobotViper650 | |
vpToolType enum name | vpViper650 | |
vpViper() | vpViper | |
vpViper650() | vpViper650 | |
~vpRobot() | vpRobot | virtual |
~vpRobotViper650(void) | vpRobotViper650 | virtual |
~vpViper() | vpViper | inlinevirtual |