Visual Servoing Platform  version 3.5.0 under development (2022-02-15)
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Test color conversion.

* ViSP, open source Visual Servoing Platform software.
* Copyright (C) 2005 - 2019 by Inria. All rights reserved.
* This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* See the file LICENSE.txt at the root directory of this source
* distribution for additional information about the GNU GPL.
* For using ViSP with software that can not be combined with the GNU
* GPL, please contact Inria about acquiring a ViSP Professional
* Edition License.
* See for more information.
* This software was developed at:
* Inria Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique
* Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu
* 35042 Rennes Cedex
* France
* If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
* Inria at
* This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
* Description:
* Test image conversion.
#include <visp3/core/vpConfig.h>
#if defined(VISP_HAVE_CATCH2)
#include <catch.hpp>
#include <visp3/core/vpImageConvert.h>
#include <visp3/core/vpIoTools.h>
#include <visp3/io/vpImageIo.h>
#include "common.hpp"
static const double maxMeanPixelError = 1.5; // conversion to gray produce an error = 1.0
static const unsigned int width = 223, height = 151;
TEST_CASE("Gray to RGBa conversion", "[image_conversion]") {
SECTION("Image 1x16 (SSE41 aligned=true)")
unsigned int h = 1, w = 16;
vpImage<vpRGBa> rgba_ref(h, w);
common_tools::grayToRGBaRef(gray.bitmap, reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(rgba_ref.bitmap), gray.getSize());
CHECK((rgba == rgba_ref));
SECTION("Image 1x17 (SSE41 aligned=false)")
unsigned int h = 1, w = 17;
vpImage<vpRGBa> rgba_ref(h, w);
common_tools::grayToRGBaRef(gray.bitmap, reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(rgba_ref.bitmap), gray.getSize());
CHECK((rgba == rgba_ref));
SECTION("Image 1x32 (AVX2 aligned=true)")
unsigned int h = 1, w = 32;
vpImage<vpRGBa> rgba_ref(h, w);
common_tools::grayToRGBaRef(gray.bitmap, reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(rgba_ref.bitmap), gray.getSize());
CHECK((rgba == rgba_ref));
SECTION("Image 1x33 (AVX2 aligned=false)")
unsigned int h = 1, w = 33;
vpImage<vpRGBa> rgba_ref(h, w);
common_tools::grayToRGBaRef(gray.bitmap, reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(rgba_ref.bitmap), gray.getSize());
CHECK((rgba == rgba_ref));
SECTION("Image 4x64 (general aligned = true")
unsigned int h = 4, w = 64;
vpImage<vpRGBa> rgba_ref(h, w);
common_tools::grayToRGBaRef(gray.bitmap, reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(rgba_ref.bitmap), gray.getSize());
CHECK((rgba == rgba_ref));
SECTION("Image 5x65 (general aligned = false")
unsigned int h = 5, w = 65;
vpImage<vpRGBa> rgba_ref(h, w);
common_tools::grayToRGBaRef(gray.bitmap, reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(rgba_ref.bitmap), gray.getSize());
CHECK((rgba == rgba_ref));
TEST_CASE("RGBa to Gray conversion", "[image_conversion]") {
SECTION("Image 1x16 (SSE41 aligned=true)")
unsigned int h = 1, w = 16;
vpImage<vpRGBa> rgba(h, w);
vpImage<unsigned char> gray_ref(h, w);
common_tools::RGBaToGrayRef(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(rgba.bitmap), gray_ref.bitmap, rgba.getSize());
double error = 0;
CHECK(common_tools::almostEqual(gray_ref, gray, maxMeanPixelError, error));
std::cout << "RGBa to Gray conversion, mean error: " << error << std::endl;
SECTION("Image 1x17 (SSE41 aligned=false)")
unsigned int h = 1, w = 17;
vpImage<vpRGBa> rgba(h, w);
vpImage<unsigned char> gray_ref(h, w);
common_tools::RGBaToGrayRef(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(rgba.bitmap), gray_ref.bitmap, rgba.getSize());
double error = 0;
CHECK(common_tools::almostEqual(gray_ref, gray, maxMeanPixelError, error));
std::cout << "RGBa to Gray conversion, mean error: " << error << std::endl;
SECTION("Image 1x32 (AVX2 aligned=true)")
unsigned int h = 1, w = 32;
vpImage<vpRGBa> rgba(h, w);
vpImage<unsigned char> gray_ref(h, w);
common_tools::RGBaToGrayRef(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(rgba.bitmap), gray_ref.bitmap, rgba.getSize());
double error = 0;
CHECK(common_tools::almostEqual(gray_ref, gray, maxMeanPixelError, error));
std::cout << "RGBa to Gray conversion, mean error: " << error << std::endl;
SECTION("Image 1x33 (AVX2 aligned=false)")
unsigned int h = 1, w = 33;
vpImage<vpRGBa> rgba(h, w);
vpImage<unsigned char> gray_ref(h, w);
common_tools::RGBaToGrayRef(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(rgba.bitmap), gray_ref.bitmap, rgba.getSize());
double error = 0;
CHECK(common_tools::almostEqual(gray_ref, gray, maxMeanPixelError, error));
std::cout << "RGBa to Gray conversion, mean error: " << error << std::endl;
SECTION("Image 4x64 (general aligned = true")
unsigned int h = 4, w = 64;
vpImage<vpRGBa> rgba(h, w);
vpImage<unsigned char> gray_ref(h, w);
common_tools::RGBaToGrayRef(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(rgba.bitmap), gray_ref.bitmap, rgba.getSize());
double error = 0;
CHECK(common_tools::almostEqual(gray_ref, gray, maxMeanPixelError, error));
std::cout << "RGBa to Gray conversion, mean error: " << error << std::endl;
SECTION("Image 5x65 (general aligned = false")
unsigned int h = 5, w = 65;
vpImage<vpRGBa> rgba(h, w);
vpImage<unsigned char> gray_ref(h, w);
common_tools::RGBaToGrayRef(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(rgba.bitmap), gray_ref.bitmap, rgba.getSize());
double error = 0;
CHECK(common_tools::almostEqual(gray_ref, gray, maxMeanPixelError, error));
std::cout << "RGBa to Gray conversion, mean error: " << error << std::endl;
TEST_CASE("RGB to Gray conversion", "[image_conversion]") {
SECTION("Image 1x16 (SSE41 aligned=true)")
unsigned int h = 1, w = 16;
std::vector<unsigned char> rgb(h*w*3);
vpImage<unsigned char> gray_ref(h, w);
common_tools::RGBToGrayRef(, gray_ref.bitmap, gray_ref.getWidth(), gray_ref.getHeight(), false);
vpImageConvert::RGBToGrey(, gray.bitmap, w, h, false);
double error = 0;
CHECK(common_tools::almostEqual(gray_ref, gray, maxMeanPixelError, error));
std::cout << "RGB to Gray conversion 1, mean error: " << error << std::endl;
vpImageConvert::RGBToGrey(, gray2.bitmap, w*h);
CHECK(common_tools::almostEqual(gray_ref, gray2, maxMeanPixelError, error));
std::cout << "RGB to Gray conversion 2, mean error: " << error << std::endl;
SECTION("Image 1x17 (SSE41 aligned=false)")
unsigned int h = 1, w = 17;
std::vector<unsigned char> rgb(h*w*3);
vpImage<unsigned char> gray_ref(h, w);
common_tools::RGBToGrayRef(, gray_ref.bitmap, gray_ref.getWidth(), gray_ref.getHeight(), false);
vpImageConvert::RGBToGrey(, gray.bitmap, w, h, false);
double error = 0;
CHECK(common_tools::almostEqual(gray_ref, gray, maxMeanPixelError, error));
std::cout << "RGB to Gray conversion 1, mean error: " << error << std::endl;
vpImageConvert::RGBToGrey(, gray2.bitmap, w*h);
CHECK(common_tools::almostEqual(gray_ref, gray2, maxMeanPixelError, error));
std::cout << "RGB to Gray conversion 2, mean error: " << error << std::endl;
SECTION("Image 1x32 (AVX2 aligned=true)")
unsigned int h = 1, w = 32;
std::vector<unsigned char> rgb(h*w*3);
vpImage<unsigned char> gray_ref(h, w);
common_tools::RGBToGrayRef(, gray_ref.bitmap, gray_ref.getWidth(), gray_ref.getHeight(), false);
vpImageConvert::RGBToGrey(, gray.bitmap, w, h, false);
double error = 0;
CHECK(common_tools::almostEqual(gray_ref, gray, maxMeanPixelError, error));
std::cout << "RGB to Gray conversion 1, mean error: " << error << std::endl;
vpImageConvert::RGBToGrey(, gray2.bitmap, w*h);
CHECK(common_tools::almostEqual(gray_ref, gray2, maxMeanPixelError, error));
std::cout << "RGB to Gray conversion 2, mean error: " << error << std::endl;
SECTION("Image 1x33 (AVX2 aligned=false)")
unsigned int h = 1, w = 33;
std::vector<unsigned char> rgb(h*w*3);
vpImage<unsigned char> gray_ref(h, w);
common_tools::RGBToGrayRef(, gray_ref.bitmap, gray_ref.getWidth(), gray_ref.getHeight(), false);
vpImageConvert::RGBToGrey(, gray.bitmap, w, h, false);
double error = 0;
CHECK(common_tools::almostEqual(gray_ref, gray, maxMeanPixelError, error));
std::cout << "RGB to Gray conversion 1, mean error: " << error << std::endl;
vpImageConvert::RGBToGrey(, gray2.bitmap, w*h);
CHECK(common_tools::almostEqual(gray_ref, gray2, maxMeanPixelError, error));
std::cout << "RGB to Gray conversion 2, mean error: " << error << std::endl;
SECTION("Image 4x64 (general aligned = true")
unsigned int h = 4, w = 64;
std::vector<unsigned char> rgb(h*w*3);
vpImage<unsigned char> gray_ref(h, w);
common_tools::RGBToGrayRef(, gray_ref.bitmap, gray_ref.getWidth(), gray_ref.getHeight(), false);
vpImageConvert::RGBToGrey(, gray.bitmap, w, h, false);
double error = 0;
CHECK(common_tools::almostEqual(gray_ref, gray, maxMeanPixelError, error));
std::cout << "RGB to Gray conversion 1, mean error: " << error << std::endl;
vpImageConvert::RGBToGrey(, gray2.bitmap, w*h);
CHECK(common_tools::almostEqual(gray_ref, gray2, maxMeanPixelError, error));
std::cout << "RGB to Gray conversion 2, mean error: " << error << std::endl;
SECTION("Image 5x65 (general aligned = false")
unsigned int h = 5, w = 65;
std::vector<unsigned char> rgb(h*w*3);
vpImage<unsigned char> gray_ref(h, w);
common_tools::RGBToGrayRef(, gray_ref.bitmap, gray_ref.getWidth(), gray_ref.getHeight(), false);
vpImageConvert::RGBToGrey(, gray.bitmap, w, h, false);
double error = 0;
CHECK(common_tools::almostEqual(gray_ref, gray, maxMeanPixelError, error));
std::cout << "RGB to Gray conversion 1, mean error: " << error << std::endl;
vpImageConvert::RGBToGrey(, gray2.bitmap, w*h);
CHECK(common_tools::almostEqual(gray_ref, gray2, maxMeanPixelError, error));
std::cout << "RGB to Gray conversion 2, mean error: " << error << std::endl;
TEST_CASE("RGB <==> RGBa conversion", "[image_conversion]") {
SECTION("Image 1x16 (SSE41 aligned=true)")
unsigned int h = 1, w = 16;
vpImage<vpRGBa> rgba_ref(h, w);
std::vector<unsigned char> rgb(h*w*3);
vpImageConvert::RGBaToRGB(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(rgba_ref.bitmap),, rgba_ref.getSize());
vpImage<vpRGBa> rgba(h, w);
vpImageConvert::RGBToRGBa(, reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(rgba.bitmap), rgba_ref.getSize());
CHECK((rgba == rgba_ref));
SECTION("Image 1x17 (SSE41 aligned=false)")
unsigned int h = 1, w = 17;
vpImage<vpRGBa> rgba_ref(h, w);
std::vector<unsigned char> rgb(h*w*3);
vpImageConvert::RGBaToRGB(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(rgba_ref.bitmap),, rgba_ref.getSize());
vpImage<vpRGBa> rgba(h, w);
vpImageConvert::RGBToRGBa(, reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(rgba.bitmap), rgba_ref.getSize());
CHECK((rgba == rgba_ref));
SECTION("Image 1x32 (AVX2 aligned=true)")
unsigned int h = 1, w = 32;
vpImage<vpRGBa> rgba_ref(h, w);
std::vector<unsigned char> rgb(h*w*3);
vpImageConvert::RGBaToRGB(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(rgba_ref.bitmap),, rgba_ref.getSize());
vpImage<vpRGBa> rgba(h, w);
vpImageConvert::RGBToRGBa(, reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(rgba.bitmap), rgba_ref.getSize());
CHECK((rgba == rgba_ref));
SECTION("Image 1x33 (AVX2 aligned=false)")
unsigned int h = 1, w = 33;
vpImage<vpRGBa> rgba_ref(h, w);
std::vector<unsigned char> rgb(h*w*3);
vpImageConvert::RGBaToRGB(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(rgba_ref.bitmap),, rgba_ref.getSize());
vpImage<vpRGBa> rgba(h, w);
vpImageConvert::RGBToRGBa(, reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(rgba.bitmap), rgba_ref.getSize());
CHECK((rgba == rgba_ref));
SECTION("Image 4x64 (general aligned = true")
unsigned int h = 4, w = 64;
vpImage<vpRGBa> rgba_ref(h, w);
std::vector<unsigned char> rgb(h*w*3);
vpImageConvert::RGBaToRGB(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(rgba_ref.bitmap),, rgba_ref.getSize());
vpImage<vpRGBa> rgba(h, w);
vpImageConvert::RGBToRGBa(, reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(rgba.bitmap), rgba_ref.getSize());
CHECK((rgba == rgba_ref));
SECTION("Image 5x65 (general aligned = false")
unsigned int h = 5, w = 65;
vpImage<vpRGBa> rgba_ref(h, w);
std::vector<unsigned char> rgb(h*w*3);
vpImageConvert::RGBaToRGB(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(rgba_ref.bitmap),, rgba_ref.getSize());
vpImage<vpRGBa> rgba(h, w);
vpImageConvert::RGBToRGBa(, reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(rgba.bitmap), rgba_ref.getSize());
CHECK((rgba == rgba_ref));
TEST_CASE("BGR to Gray conversion", "[image_conversion]") {
SECTION("Image 1x16 (SSE41 aligned=true)")
unsigned int h = 1, w = 16;
vpImage<vpRGBa> rgba_ref(h, w);
vpImageConvert::convert(rgba_ref, gray_ref);
std::vector<unsigned char> bgr;
common_tools::RGBaToBGR(rgba_ref, bgr);
vpImage<unsigned char> gray(gray_ref.getHeight(), gray_ref.getWidth());
vpImageConvert::BGRToGrey(, gray.bitmap, gray.getWidth(), gray.getHeight());
double error = 0;
CHECK(common_tools::almostEqual(gray_ref, gray, maxMeanPixelError, error));
std::cout << "BGR to Gray conversion, mean error: " << error << std::endl;
SECTION("Image 1x17 (SSE41 aligned=false)")
unsigned int h = 1, w = 17;
vpImage<vpRGBa> rgba_ref(h, w);
vpImageConvert::convert(rgba_ref, gray_ref);
std::vector<unsigned char> bgr;
common_tools::RGBaToBGR(rgba_ref, bgr);
vpImage<unsigned char> gray(gray_ref.getHeight(), gray_ref.getWidth());
vpImageConvert::BGRToGrey(, gray.bitmap, gray.getWidth(), gray.getHeight());
double error = 0;
CHECK(common_tools::almostEqual(gray_ref, gray, maxMeanPixelError, error));
std::cout << "BGR to Gray conversion, mean error: " << error << std::endl;
SECTION("Image 1x32 (AVX2 aligned=true)")
unsigned int h = 1, w = 32;
vpImage<vpRGBa> rgba_ref(h, w);
vpImageConvert::convert(rgba_ref, gray_ref);
std::vector<unsigned char> bgr;
common_tools::RGBaToBGR(rgba_ref, bgr);
vpImage<unsigned char> gray(gray_ref.getHeight(), gray_ref.getWidth());
vpImageConvert::BGRToGrey(, gray.bitmap, gray.getWidth(), gray.getHeight());
double error = 0;
CHECK(common_tools::almostEqual(gray_ref, gray, maxMeanPixelError, error));
std::cout << "BGR to Gray conversion, mean error: " << error << std::endl;
SECTION("Image 1x33 (AVX2 aligned=false)")
unsigned int h = 1, w = 33;
vpImage<vpRGBa> rgba_ref(h, w);
vpImageConvert::convert(rgba_ref, gray_ref);
std::vector<unsigned char> bgr;
common_tools::RGBaToBGR(rgba_ref, bgr);
vpImage<unsigned char> gray(gray_ref.getHeight(), gray_ref.getWidth());
vpImageConvert::BGRToGrey(, gray.bitmap, gray.getWidth(), gray.getHeight());
double error = 0;
CHECK(common_tools::almostEqual(gray_ref, gray, maxMeanPixelError, error));
std::cout << "BGR to Gray conversion, mean error: " << error << std::endl;
SECTION("Image 4x64 (general aligned = true")
unsigned int h = 4, w = 64;
vpImage<vpRGBa> rgba_ref(h, w);
vpImageConvert::convert(rgba_ref, gray_ref);
std::vector<unsigned char> bgr;
common_tools::RGBaToBGR(rgba_ref, bgr);
vpImage<unsigned char> gray(gray_ref.getHeight(), gray_ref.getWidth());
vpImageConvert::BGRToGrey(, gray.bitmap, gray.getWidth(), gray.getHeight());
double error = 0;
CHECK(common_tools::almostEqual(gray_ref, gray, maxMeanPixelError, error));
std::cout << "BGR to Gray conversion, mean error: " << error << std::endl;
SECTION("Image 5x65 (general aligned = false")
unsigned int h = 5, w = 65;
vpImage<vpRGBa> rgba_ref(h, w);
vpImageConvert::convert(rgba_ref, gray_ref);
std::vector<unsigned char> bgr;
common_tools::RGBaToBGR(rgba_ref, bgr);
vpImage<unsigned char> gray(gray_ref.getHeight(), gray_ref.getWidth());
vpImageConvert::BGRToGrey(, gray.bitmap, gray.getWidth(), gray.getHeight());
double error = 0;
CHECK(common_tools::almostEqual(gray_ref, gray, maxMeanPixelError, error));
std::cout << "BGR to Gray conversion, mean error: " << error << std::endl;
TEST_CASE("BGRa to Gray conversion", "[image_conversion]") {
SECTION("Image 1x16 (SSE41 aligned=true)")
unsigned int h = 1, w = 16;
vpImage<vpRGBa> rgba_ref(h, w);
vpImageConvert::convert(rgba_ref, gray_ref);
std::vector<unsigned char> bgra;
common_tools::RGBaToBGRa(rgba_ref, bgra);
vpImage<unsigned char> gray(gray_ref.getHeight(), gray_ref.getWidth());
vpImageConvert::BGRaToGrey(, gray.bitmap, gray.getWidth(), gray.getHeight());
double error = 0;
CHECK(common_tools::almostEqual(gray_ref, gray, maxMeanPixelError, error));
std::cout << "BGRa to Gray conversion, mean error: " << error << std::endl;
SECTION("Image 1x17 (SSE41 aligned=false)")
unsigned int h = 1, w = 17;
vpImage<vpRGBa> rgba_ref(h, w);
vpImageConvert::convert(rgba_ref, gray_ref);
std::vector<unsigned char> bgra;
common_tools::RGBaToBGRa(rgba_ref, bgra);
vpImage<unsigned char> gray(gray_ref.getHeight(), gray_ref.getWidth());
vpImageConvert::BGRaToGrey(, gray.bitmap, gray.getWidth(), gray.getHeight());
double error = 0;
CHECK(common_tools::almostEqual(gray_ref, gray, maxMeanPixelError, error));
std::cout << "BGRa to Gray conversion, mean error: " << error << std::endl;
SECTION("Image 1x32 (AVX2 aligned=true)")
unsigned int h = 1, w = 32;
vpImage<vpRGBa> rgba_ref(h, w);
vpImageConvert::convert(rgba_ref, gray_ref);
std::vector<unsigned char> bgra;
common_tools::RGBaToBGRa(rgba_ref, bgra);
vpImage<unsigned char> gray(gray_ref.getHeight(), gray_ref.getWidth());
vpImageConvert::BGRaToGrey(, gray.bitmap, gray.getWidth(), gray.getHeight());
double error = 0;
CHECK(common_tools::almostEqual(gray_ref, gray, maxMeanPixelError, error));
std::cout << "BGRa to Gray conversion, mean error: " << error << std::endl;
SECTION("Image 1x33 (AVX2 aligned=false)")
unsigned int h = 1, w = 33;
vpImage<vpRGBa> rgba_ref(h, w);
vpImageConvert::convert(rgba_ref, gray_ref);
std::vector<unsigned char> bgra;
common_tools::RGBaToBGRa(rgba_ref, bgra);
vpImage<unsigned char> gray(gray_ref.getHeight(), gray_ref.getWidth());
vpImageConvert::BGRaToGrey(, gray.bitmap, gray.getWidth(), gray.getHeight());
double error = 0;
CHECK(common_tools::almostEqual(gray_ref, gray, maxMeanPixelError, error));
std::cout << "BGRa to Gray conversion, mean error: " << error << std::endl;
SECTION("Image 4x64 (general aligned = true")
unsigned int h = 4, w = 64;
vpImage<vpRGBa> rgba_ref(h, w);
vpImageConvert::convert(rgba_ref, gray_ref);
std::vector<unsigned char> bgra;
common_tools::RGBaToBGRa(rgba_ref, bgra);
vpImage<unsigned char> gray(gray_ref.getHeight(), gray_ref.getWidth());
vpImageConvert::BGRaToGrey(, gray.bitmap, gray.getWidth(), gray.getHeight());
double error = 0;
CHECK(common_tools::almostEqual(gray_ref, gray, maxMeanPixelError, error));
std::cout << "BGRa to Gray conversion, mean error: " << error << std::endl;
SECTION("Image 5x65 (general aligned = false")
unsigned int h = 5, w = 65;
vpImage<vpRGBa> rgba_ref(h, w);
vpImageConvert::convert(rgba_ref, gray_ref);
std::vector<unsigned char> bgra;
common_tools::RGBaToBGRa(rgba_ref, bgra);
vpImage<unsigned char> gray(gray_ref.getHeight(), gray_ref.getWidth());
vpImageConvert::BGRaToGrey(, gray.bitmap, gray.getWidth(), gray.getHeight());
double error = 0;
CHECK(common_tools::almostEqual(gray_ref, gray, maxMeanPixelError, error));
std::cout << "BGRa to Gray conversion, mean error: " << error << std::endl;
TEST_CASE("BGRa to RGBa conversion", "[image_conversion]") {
SECTION("Image 1x16 (SSE41 aligned=true)")
unsigned int h = 1, w = 16;
vpImage<vpRGBa> rgba_ref(h, w);
std::vector<unsigned char> bgra_ref;
common_tools::RGBaToBGRa(rgba_ref, bgra_ref);
vpImage<vpRGBa> rgba(rgba_ref.getHeight(), rgba_ref.getWidth());
vpImageConvert::BGRaToRGBa(, reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(rgba.bitmap), rgba.getWidth(), rgba.getHeight());
double error = 0;
CHECK(common_tools::almostEqual(rgba_ref, rgba, maxMeanPixelError, error));
std::cout << "BGRa to RGBa conversion, mean error: " << error << std::endl;
SECTION("Image 1x17 (SSE41 aligned=false)")
unsigned int h = 1, w = 17;
vpImage<vpRGBa> rgba_ref(h, w);
std::vector<unsigned char> bgra_ref;
common_tools::RGBaToBGRa(rgba_ref, bgra_ref);
vpImage<vpRGBa> rgba(rgba_ref.getHeight(), rgba_ref.getWidth());
vpImageConvert::BGRaToRGBa(, reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(rgba.bitmap), rgba.getWidth(), rgba.getHeight());
double error = 0;
CHECK(common_tools::almostEqual(rgba_ref, rgba, maxMeanPixelError, error));
std::cout << "BGRa to RGBa conversion, mean error: " << error << std::endl;
SECTION("Image 1x32 (AVX2 aligned=true)")
unsigned int h = 1, w = 32;
vpImage<vpRGBa> rgba_ref(h, w);
std::vector<unsigned char> bgra_ref;
common_tools::RGBaToBGRa(rgba_ref, bgra_ref);
vpImage<vpRGBa> rgba(rgba_ref.getHeight(), rgba_ref.getWidth());
vpImageConvert::BGRaToRGBa(, reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(rgba.bitmap), rgba.getWidth(), rgba.getHeight());
double error = 0;
CHECK(common_tools::almostEqual(rgba_ref, rgba, maxMeanPixelError, error));
std::cout << "BGRa to RGBa conversion, mean error: " << error << std::endl;
SECTION("Image 1x33 (AVX2 aligned=false)")
unsigned int h = 1, w = 33;
vpImage<vpRGBa> rgba_ref(h, w);
std::vector<unsigned char> bgra_ref;
common_tools::RGBaToBGRa(rgba_ref, bgra_ref);
vpImage<vpRGBa> rgba(rgba_ref.getHeight(), rgba_ref.getWidth());
vpImageConvert::BGRaToRGBa(, reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(rgba.bitmap), rgba.getWidth(), rgba.getHeight());
double error = 0;
CHECK(common_tools::almostEqual(rgba_ref, rgba, maxMeanPixelError, error));
std::cout << "BGRa to RGBa conversion, mean error: " << error << std::endl;
SECTION("Image 4x64 (general aligned = true")
unsigned int h = 4, w = 64;
vpImage<vpRGBa> rgba_ref(h, w);
std::vector<unsigned char> bgra_ref;
common_tools::RGBaToBGRa(rgba_ref, bgra_ref);
vpImage<vpRGBa> rgba(rgba_ref.getHeight(), rgba_ref.getWidth());
vpImageConvert::BGRaToRGBa(, reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(rgba.bitmap), rgba.getWidth(), rgba.getHeight());
double error = 0;
CHECK(common_tools::almostEqual(rgba_ref, rgba, maxMeanPixelError, error));
std::cout << "BGRa to RGBa conversion, mean error: " << error << std::endl;
SECTION("Image 5x65 (general aligned = false")
unsigned int h = 5, w = 65;
vpImage<vpRGBa> rgba_ref(h, w);
std::vector<unsigned char> bgra_ref;
common_tools::RGBaToBGRa(rgba_ref, bgra_ref);
vpImage<vpRGBa> rgba(rgba_ref.getHeight(), rgba_ref.getWidth());
vpImageConvert::BGRaToRGBa(, reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(rgba.bitmap), rgba.getWidth(), rgba.getHeight());
double error = 0;
CHECK(common_tools::almostEqual(rgba_ref, rgba, maxMeanPixelError, error));
std::cout << "BGRa to RGBa conversion, mean error: " << error << std::endl;
TEST_CASE("Split <==> Merge conversion", "[image_conversion]") {
vpImage<vpRGBa> rgba_ref(height, width);
vpImageConvert::split(rgba_ref, &R, &G, &B, &A);
vpImageConvert::merge(&R, &G, &B, &A, rgba);
CHECK((rgba == rgba_ref));
TEST_CASE("OpenCV Mat <==> vpImage conversion", "[image_conversion]") {
SECTION("CV_8UC3 to vpRGBa")
cv::Mat img(height, width, CV_8UC3);
vpImage<vpRGBa> rgba_ref(height, width);
common_tools::BGRToRGBaRef(, reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(rgba_ref.bitmap), img.cols, img.rows, false);
CHECK((rgba_ref == rgba));
SECTION("CV_8UC1 to vpRGBa")
cv::Mat img(height, width, CV_8UC1);
vpImage<vpRGBa> rgba_ref(height, width);
common_tools::grayToRGBaRef(, reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(rgba_ref.bitmap), height*width);
CHECK((rgba_ref == rgba));
SECTION("CV_8UC3 to unsigned char")
cv::Mat img(height, width, CV_8UC3);
vpImage<unsigned char> gray_ref(height, width);
common_tools::BGRToGrayRef(, gray_ref.bitmap, img.cols, img.rows, false);
double error = 0;
CHECK(common_tools::almostEqual(gray_ref, gray, maxMeanPixelError, error));
std::cout << "BGR to Gray conversion, mean error: " << error << std::endl;
SECTION("CV_8UC1 to unsigned char")
cv::Mat img(height, width, CV_8UC1);
REQUIRE(gray.getHeight() == height);
REQUIRE(gray.getWidth() == width);
for (int i = 0; i < img.rows; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < img.cols; j++) {
REQUIRE(<uchar>(i, j) == gray[i][j]);
void col2im(const std::vector<uint8_t>& buffer, vpImage<uint8_t>& I_Bayer_8U)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < I_Bayer_8U.getHeight(); i++) {
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < I_Bayer_8U.getWidth(); j++) {
I_Bayer_8U[i][j] = buffer[j*I_Bayer_8U.getHeight() + i];
void col2im(const std::vector<uint16_t>& buffer, vpImage<uint16_t>& I_Bayer_16U)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < I_Bayer_16U.getHeight(); i++) {
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < I_Bayer_16U.getWidth(); j++) {
I_Bayer_16U[i][j] = buffer[j*I_Bayer_16U.getHeight() + i];
void convertTo(const vpImage<uint16_t>& I_RGBA_16U, vpImage<vpRGBa>& I_RGBA_8U, int divisor=1 << (12-8))
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < I_RGBA_8U.getHeight(); i++) {
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < I_RGBA_8U.getWidth(); j++) {
I_RGBA_8U[i][j] = vpRGBa(vpMath::saturate<unsigned char>(I_RGBA_16U[0][(i*I_RGBA_8U.getWidth() + j)*4 + 0] / (float)divisor),
vpMath::saturate<unsigned char>(I_RGBA_16U[0][(i*I_RGBA_8U.getWidth() + j)*4 + 1] / (float)divisor),
vpMath::saturate<unsigned char>(I_RGBA_16U[0][(i*I_RGBA_8U.getWidth() + j)*4 + 2] / (float)divisor));
double computePSNR(const vpImage<vpRGBa>& I_RGBA_8U, const vpImage<vpRGBa>& I_RGBA_8U_ref)
double mse = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < I_RGBA_8U.getHeight(); i++) {
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < I_RGBA_8U.getWidth(); j++) {
vpColVector err = I_RGBA_8U[i][j] - I_RGBA_8U_ref[i][j];
mse += vpMath::sqr(err[0]) + vpMath::sqr(err[1]) + vpMath::sqr(err[2]);
mse /= I_RGBA_8U.getHeight()*I_RGBA_8U.getWidth()*3;
return 10*std::log10(255*255 / mse);
void readBinaryFile(const std::string& filename, std::vector<uint16_t>& buffer)
std::FILE* f = std::fopen(filename.c_str(), "rb");
size_t sread = std::fread(&buffer[0], sizeof buffer[0], buffer.size(), f);
REQUIRE(sread == buffer.size());
std::vector<uint16_t> tmp = buffer;
for (size_t i = 0; i < tmp.size(); i++) {
buffer[i] = vpEndian::swap16bits(tmp[i]);
TEST_CASE("Bayer conversion", "[image_conversion]") {
// Load original Klimt image
vpImage<vpRGBa> I_RGBA_8U_ref;
vpImage<vpRGBa> I_RGBA_8U(I_RGBA_8U_ref.getHeight(), I_RGBA_8U_ref.getWidth());
int height = I_RGBA_8U_ref.getHeight(), width = I_RGBA_8U_ref.getWidth();
const double min_PSNR_bilinear = 21, min_PSNR_Malvar = 24;
std::vector<uint16_t> buffer(height*width);
vpImage<uint16_t> I_Bayer_16U(height, width);
vpImage<uint16_t> I_RGBA_16U(1, I_Bayer_16U.getHeight()*I_Bayer_16U.getWidth()*4);
const std::string filename = vpIoTools::createFilePath(vpIoTools::getViSPImagesDataPath(), "Bayer/Klimt_Bayer_560x558_BGGR_12bits.raw");
readBinaryFile(filename, buffer);
col2im(buffer, I_Bayer_16U);
vpImageConvert::demosaicBGGRToRGBaBilinear(I_Bayer_16U.bitmap, I_RGBA_16U.bitmap, I_Bayer_16U.getWidth(), I_Bayer_16U.getHeight());
convertTo(I_RGBA_16U, I_RGBA_8U);
double PSNR = computePSNR(I_RGBA_8U, I_RGBA_8U_ref);
std::cout << "16-bit - BGGR - Bilinear - PSNR: " << PSNR << std::endl;
CHECK(PSNR >= min_PSNR_bilinear);
vpImageConvert::demosaicBGGRToRGBaMalvar(I_Bayer_16U.bitmap, I_RGBA_16U.bitmap, I_Bayer_16U.getWidth(), I_Bayer_16U.getHeight());
convertTo(I_RGBA_16U, I_RGBA_8U);
double PSNR = computePSNR(I_RGBA_8U, I_RGBA_8U_ref);
std::cout << "16-bit - BGGR - Malvar - PSNR: " << PSNR << std::endl;
CHECK(PSNR >= min_PSNR_Malvar);
const std::string filename = vpIoTools::createFilePath(vpIoTools::getViSPImagesDataPath(), "Bayer/Klimt_Bayer_560x558_GBRG_12bits.raw");
readBinaryFile(filename, buffer);
col2im(buffer, I_Bayer_16U);
vpImageConvert::demosaicGBRGToRGBaBilinear(I_Bayer_16U.bitmap, I_RGBA_16U.bitmap, I_Bayer_16U.getWidth(), I_Bayer_16U.getHeight());
convertTo(I_RGBA_16U, I_RGBA_8U);
double PSNR = computePSNR(I_RGBA_8U, I_RGBA_8U_ref);
std::cout << "16-bit - GBRG - Bilinear - PSNR: " << PSNR << std::endl;
CHECK(PSNR >= min_PSNR_bilinear);
vpImageConvert::demosaicGBRGToRGBaMalvar(I_Bayer_16U.bitmap, I_RGBA_16U.bitmap, I_Bayer_16U.getWidth(), I_Bayer_16U.getHeight());
convertTo(I_RGBA_16U, I_RGBA_8U);
double PSNR = computePSNR(I_RGBA_8U, I_RGBA_8U_ref);
std::cout << "16-bit - GBRG - Malvar - PSNR: " << PSNR << std::endl;
CHECK(PSNR >= min_PSNR_Malvar);
const std::string filename = vpIoTools::createFilePath(vpIoTools::getViSPImagesDataPath(), "Bayer/Klimt_Bayer_560x558_GRBG_12bits.raw");
readBinaryFile(filename, buffer);
col2im(buffer, I_Bayer_16U);
vpImageConvert::demosaicGRBGToRGBaBilinear(I_Bayer_16U.bitmap, I_RGBA_16U.bitmap, I_Bayer_16U.getWidth(), I_Bayer_16U.getHeight());
convertTo(I_RGBA_16U, I_RGBA_8U);
double PSNR = computePSNR(I_RGBA_8U, I_RGBA_8U_ref);
std::cout << "16-bit - GRBG - Bilinear - PSNR: " << PSNR << std::endl;
CHECK(PSNR >= min_PSNR_bilinear);
vpImageConvert::demosaicGRBGToRGBaMalvar(I_Bayer_16U.bitmap, I_RGBA_16U.bitmap, I_Bayer_16U.getWidth(), I_Bayer_16U.getHeight());
convertTo(I_RGBA_16U, I_RGBA_8U);
double PSNR = computePSNR(I_RGBA_8U, I_RGBA_8U_ref);
std::cout << "16-bit - GRBG - Malvar - PSNR: " << PSNR << std::endl;
CHECK(PSNR >= min_PSNR_Malvar);
const std::string filename = vpIoTools::createFilePath(vpIoTools::getViSPImagesDataPath(), "Bayer/Klimt_Bayer_560x558_RGGB_12bits.raw");
readBinaryFile(filename, buffer);
col2im(buffer, I_Bayer_16U);
vpImageConvert::demosaicRGGBToRGBaBilinear(I_Bayer_16U.bitmap, I_RGBA_16U.bitmap, I_Bayer_16U.getWidth(), I_Bayer_16U.getHeight());
convertTo(I_RGBA_16U, I_RGBA_8U);
double PSNR = computePSNR(I_RGBA_8U, I_RGBA_8U_ref);
std::cout << "16-bit - RGGB - Bilinear - PSNR: " << PSNR << std::endl;
CHECK(PSNR >= min_PSNR_bilinear);
vpImageConvert::demosaicRGGBToRGBaMalvar(I_Bayer_16U.bitmap, I_RGBA_16U.bitmap, I_Bayer_16U.getWidth(), I_Bayer_16U.getHeight());
convertTo(I_RGBA_16U, I_RGBA_8U);
double PSNR = computePSNR(I_RGBA_8U, I_RGBA_8U_ref);
std::cout << "16-bit - RGGB - Malvar - PSNR: " << PSNR << std::endl;
CHECK(PSNR >= min_PSNR_Malvar);
std::vector<uint8_t> buffer(height*width);
vpImage<uint8_t> I_Bayer_8U(height, width);
vpImage<vpRGBa> I_RGBA_8U(I_Bayer_8U.getHeight(), I_Bayer_8U.getWidth());
const std::string filename = vpIoTools::createFilePath(vpIoTools::getViSPImagesDataPath(), "Bayer/Klimt_Bayer_560x558_BGGR_08bits.raw");
std::FILE* f = std::fopen(filename.c_str(), "rb");
size_t sread = std::fread(&buffer[0], sizeof buffer[0], buffer.size(), f);
REQUIRE(sread == buffer.size());
col2im(buffer, I_Bayer_8U);
vpImageConvert::demosaicBGGRToRGBaBilinear(I_Bayer_8U.bitmap, reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(I_RGBA_8U.bitmap), I_Bayer_8U.getWidth(), I_Bayer_8U.getHeight());
double PSNR = computePSNR(I_RGBA_8U, I_RGBA_8U_ref);
std::cout << "8-bit - BGGR - Bilinear - PSNR: " << PSNR << std::endl;
CHECK(PSNR >= min_PSNR_bilinear);
vpImageConvert::demosaicBGGRToRGBaMalvar(I_Bayer_8U.bitmap, reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(I_RGBA_8U.bitmap), I_Bayer_8U.getWidth(), I_Bayer_8U.getHeight());
double PSNR = computePSNR(I_RGBA_8U, I_RGBA_8U_ref);
std::cout << "8-bit - BGGR - Malvar - PSNR: " << PSNR << std::endl;
CHECK(PSNR >= min_PSNR_Malvar);
const std::string filename = vpIoTools::createFilePath(vpIoTools::getViSPImagesDataPath(), "Bayer/Klimt_Bayer_560x558_GBRG_08bits.raw");
std::FILE* f = std::fopen(filename.c_str(), "rb");
size_t sread = std::fread(&buffer[0], sizeof buffer[0], buffer.size(), f);
REQUIRE(sread == buffer.size());
col2im(buffer, I_Bayer_8U);
vpImageConvert::demosaicGBRGToRGBaBilinear(I_Bayer_8U.bitmap, reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(I_RGBA_8U.bitmap), I_Bayer_8U.getWidth(), I_Bayer_8U.getHeight());
double PSNR = computePSNR(I_RGBA_8U, I_RGBA_8U_ref);
std::cout << "8-bit - GBRG - Bilinear - PSNR: " << PSNR << std::endl;
CHECK(PSNR >= min_PSNR_bilinear);
vpImageConvert::demosaicGBRGToRGBaMalvar(I_Bayer_8U.bitmap, reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(I_RGBA_8U.bitmap), I_Bayer_8U.getWidth(), I_Bayer_8U.getHeight());
double PSNR = computePSNR(I_RGBA_8U, I_RGBA_8U_ref);
std::cout << "8-bit - GBRG - Malvar - PSNR: " << PSNR << std::endl;
CHECK(PSNR >= min_PSNR_Malvar);
const std::string filename = vpIoTools::createFilePath(vpIoTools::getViSPImagesDataPath(), "Bayer/Klimt_Bayer_560x558_GRBG_08bits.raw");
std::FILE* f = std::fopen(filename.c_str(), "rb");
size_t sread = std::fread(&buffer[0], sizeof buffer[0], buffer.size(), f);
REQUIRE(sread == buffer.size());
col2im(buffer, I_Bayer_8U);
vpImageConvert::demosaicGRBGToRGBaBilinear(I_Bayer_8U.bitmap, reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(I_RGBA_8U.bitmap), I_Bayer_8U.getWidth(), I_Bayer_8U.getHeight());
double PSNR = computePSNR(I_RGBA_8U, I_RGBA_8U_ref);
std::cout << "8-bit - GRBG - Bilinear - PSNR: " << PSNR << std::endl;
CHECK(PSNR >= min_PSNR_bilinear);
vpImageConvert::demosaicGRBGToRGBaMalvar(I_Bayer_8U.bitmap, reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(I_RGBA_8U.bitmap), I_Bayer_8U.getWidth(), I_Bayer_8U.getHeight());
double PSNR = computePSNR(I_RGBA_8U, I_RGBA_8U_ref);
std::cout << "8-bit - GRBG - Malvar - PSNR: " << PSNR << std::endl;
CHECK(PSNR >= min_PSNR_Malvar);
const std::string filename = vpIoTools::createFilePath(vpIoTools::getViSPImagesDataPath(), "Bayer/Klimt_Bayer_560x558_RGGB_08bits.raw");
std::FILE* f = std::fopen(filename.c_str(), "rb");
size_t sread = std::fread(&buffer[0], sizeof buffer[0], buffer.size(), f);
REQUIRE(sread == buffer.size());
col2im(buffer, I_Bayer_8U);
vpImageConvert::demosaicRGGBToRGBaBilinear(I_Bayer_8U.bitmap, reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(I_RGBA_8U.bitmap), I_Bayer_8U.getWidth(), I_Bayer_8U.getHeight());
double PSNR = computePSNR(I_RGBA_8U, I_RGBA_8U_ref);
std::cout << "8-bit - RGGB - Bilinear - PSNR: " << PSNR << std::endl;
CHECK(PSNR >= min_PSNR_bilinear);
vpImageConvert::demosaicRGGBToRGBaMalvar(I_Bayer_8U.bitmap, reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(I_RGBA_8U.bitmap), I_Bayer_8U.getWidth(), I_Bayer_8U.getHeight());
double PSNR = computePSNR(I_RGBA_8U, I_RGBA_8U_ref);
std::cout << "8-bit - RGGB - Malvar - PSNR: " << PSNR << std::endl;
CHECK(PSNR >= min_PSNR_Malvar);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Catch::Session session; // There must be exactly one instance
// Let Catch (using Clara) parse the command line
session.applyCommandLine(argc, argv);
int numFailed =;
// numFailed is clamped to 255 as some unices only use the lower 8 bits.
// This clamping has already been applied, so just return it here
// You can also do any post run clean-up here
return numFailed;
int main()
return 0;