Visual Servoing Platform  version 3.5.0 under development (2022-02-15)
1 /****************************************************************************
2  *
3  * ViSP, open source Visual Servoing Platform software.
4  * Copyright (C) 2005 - 2019 by Inria. All rights reserved.
5  *
6  * This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  * (at your option) any later version.
10  * See the file LICENSE.txt at the root directory of this source
11  * distribution for additional information about the GNU GPL.
12  *
13  * For using ViSP with software that can not be combined with the GNU
14  * GPL, please contact Inria about acquiring a ViSP Professional
15  * Edition License.
16  *
17  * See for more information.
18  *
19  * This software was developed at:
20  * Inria Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique
21  * Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu
22  * 35042 Rennes Cedex
23  * France
24  *
25  * If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
26  * Inria at
27  *
28  * This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
30  *
31  * Description:
32  * Firewire cameras video capture.
33  *
34  * Authors:
35  * Fabien Spindler
36  *
37  *****************************************************************************/
52 #include <iostream>
53 #include <list>
54 #include <sstream>
55 #include <stdio.h>
56 #include <stdlib.h>
57 #include <visp3/core/vpConfig.h>
58 #include <visp3/core/vpDebug.h>
59 #if defined(VISP_HAVE_DC1394)
61 #include <visp3/core/vpDisplay.h>
62 #include <visp3/core/vpImage.h>
63 #include <visp3/core/vpRGBa.h>
64 #include <visp3/core/vpTime.h>
65 #include <visp3/gui/vpDisplayX.h>
66 #include <visp3/io/vpImageIo.h>
67 #include <visp3/io/vpParseArgv.h>
68 #include <visp3/sensor/vp1394TwoGrabber.h>
70 #define GRAB_CxOLOR
72 // List of allowed command line options
73 #define GETOPTARGS "b:c:df:g:hH:L:mn:io:p:rsT:v:W:"
74 #define DUAL_ACQ
76 void usage(const char *name, const char *badparam, unsigned int camera, const unsigned int &nframes,
77  const std::string &opath, const unsigned int &roi_left, const unsigned int &roi_top,
78  const unsigned int &roi_width, const unsigned int &roi_height, const unsigned int &ringbuffersize,
79  const unsigned int &panControl);
80 void read_options(int argc, const char **argv, bool &multi, unsigned int &camera, unsigned int &nframes,
81  bool &verbose_info, bool &verbose_settings, bool &videomode_is_set,
82  vp1394TwoGrabber::vp1394TwoVideoModeType &videomode, bool &framerate_is_set,
83  vp1394TwoGrabber::vp1394TwoFramerateType &framerate, bool &colorcoding_is_set,
84  vp1394TwoGrabber::vp1394TwoColorCodingType &colorcoding, bool &ringbuffersize_is_set,
85  unsigned int &ringbuffersize, bool &display, bool &save, std::string &opath, unsigned int &roi_left,
86  unsigned int &roi_top, unsigned int &roi_width, unsigned int &roi_height, bool &reset,
87  unsigned int &panControl, bool &panControl_is_set);
104 void usage(const char *name, const char *badparam, unsigned int camera, const unsigned int &nframes,
105  const std::string &opath, const unsigned int &roi_left, const unsigned int &roi_top,
106  const unsigned int &roi_width, const unsigned int &roi_height, const unsigned int &ringbuffersize,
107  const unsigned int &panControl)
108 {
109  if (badparam)
110  fprintf(stderr, "\nERROR: Bad parameter [%s]\n", badparam);
112  fprintf(stderr, "\n\
114  %s [-v <video mode>] [-f <framerate>] \n\
115  [-g <color coding>] [-c <camera id>] [-m] [-n <frames>] \n\
116  [-i] [-s] [-d] [-o <filename>] [-L <format 7 roi left position>] \n\
117  [-T <format 7 roi top position>] [-W <format 7 roi width>] \n\
118  [-H <format 7 roi height>] [-b <ring buffer size>] \n\
119  [-p <pan control value>] [-R] [-h]\n\
120  \n\
122  Test for firewire camera image acquisition.\n\
123  \n\
125  \n\
126  %s -s\n\
127  Indicates the current settings for the first camera found on the bus.\n\n\
128  %s -i\n\
129  Gives information on the first camera found on the bus.\n\n\
130  %s -s -m\n\
131  Indicates the current settings for all the cameras found on the bus.\n\n\
132  %s -i -m\n\
133  Gives information on all the cameras found on the bus.\n\
134  %s -c 1\n\
135  Grab images from camera 1.\n\n\
136  %s -m\n\
137  Grab images from all the cameras.\n\n\
138  \n\
139  If a stereo camera is connected to the bus like the PointGrey Bumblebee,\n\
140  you may set the pan control to select the camera view:\n\
141  %s -p 0\n\
142  Transmit right imge.\n\
143  %s -p 1\n\
144  Transmit left imge.\n\
145  \n\
146 OPTIONS Default\n\
147  -v [%%u] : Video mode to set for the active camera.\n\
148  Use -s option so see which are the supported \n\
149  video modes. You can select the active \n\
150  camera using -c option.\n\
151  \n\
152  -f [%%u] : Framerate to set for the active camera.\n\
153  Use -s option so see which are the supported \n\
154  framerates. You can select the active \n\
155  camera using -c option.\n\
156  \n\
157  -g [%%u] : Color coding to set for the active camera\n\
158  in format 7 video mode. Use -s option so see if \n\
159  format 7 is supported by the camera and if so, \n\
160  which are the supported color codings. You can \n\
161  select the active camera using -c option.\n\
162  See -t <top>, -l <left>, -w <width>, \n\
163  -h <height> option to set format 7 roi.\n\
164  \n\
165  -L [%%u] : Format 7 region of interest (roi) left %u\n\
166  position. This option is only used if video\n\
167  mode is format 7.\n\
168  \n\
169  -T [%%u] : Format 7 region of interest (roi) top %u\n\
170  position. This option is only used if video\n\
171  mode is format 7.\n\
172  \n\
173  -W [%%u] : Format 7 region of interest (roi) width. %u\n\
174  Is set to zero, use the maximum width. This\n\
175  option is only used if video mode is format 7.\n\
176  \n\
177  -H [%%u] : Format 7 region of interest (roi) height. %u\n\
178  Is set to zero, use the maximum height. This\n\
179  option is only used if video mode is format 7.\n\
180  \n\
181  -c [%%u] : Active camera identifier. %u\n\
182  Zero is for the first camera found on the bus.\n\
183  \n\
184  -m : Flag to active multi camera acquisition. \n\
185  You need at least two cameras connected on \n\
186  the bus.\n\
187  \n\
188  -n [%%u] : Number of frames to acquire. %u\n\
189  \n\
190  -i : Flag to print camera information.\n\
191  \n\
192  -s : Print camera settings capabilities such as \n\
193  video mode and framerates available and exit.\n\
194  \n\
195  -d : Flag to turn off image display.\n\
196  \n\
197  -b [%%u] : Ring buffer size used during capture %u\n\
198  \n\
199  -p [%%u] : Pan control value used to control single or %u\n\
200  multiple image transmission from stereo vision \n\
201  cameras by setting the PAN register 0x884.\n\
202  \n\
203  -o [%%s] : Filename for image saving. \n\
204  Example: -o %s\n\
205  The first %%d is for the camera id. The second\n\
206  %%04d is for the image numbering. The format is set \n\
207  by the extension of the file (ex .png, .pgm, ...) \n\
208  \n\
209  -r : Reset the bus attached to the first camera found.\n\
210  Bus reset may help to make firewire working if the\n\
211  program was not properly stopped by a CTRL-C.\n\
212  \n\
213  -h : Print this help.\n\
214  \n", name, name, name, name, name, name, name, name, name, roi_left, roi_top, roi_width, roi_height,
215  camera, nframes, ringbuffersize, panControl, opath.c_str());
216 }
260 void read_options(int argc, const char **argv, bool &multi, unsigned int &camera, unsigned int &nframes,
261  bool &verbose_info, bool &verbose_settings, bool &videomode_is_set,
262  vp1394TwoGrabber::vp1394TwoVideoModeType &videomode, bool &framerate_is_set,
263  vp1394TwoGrabber::vp1394TwoFramerateType &framerate, bool &colorcoding_is_set,
264  vp1394TwoGrabber::vp1394TwoColorCodingType &colorcoding, bool &ringbuffersize_is_set,
265  unsigned int &ringbuffersize, bool &display, bool &save, std::string &opath, unsigned int &roi_left,
266  unsigned int &roi_top, unsigned int &roi_width, unsigned int &roi_height, bool &reset,
267  unsigned int &panControl, bool &panControl_is_set)
268 {
269  /*
270  * Lecture des options.
271  */
272  const char *optarg_;
273  int c;
275  while ((c = vpParseArgv::parse(argc, argv, GETOPTARGS, &optarg_)) > 1) {
276  switch (c) {
277  case 'c':
278  camera = (unsigned int)atoi(optarg_);
279  break;
280  case 'd':
281  display = false;
282  break;
283  case 'f':
284  framerate_is_set = true;
285  framerate = (vp1394TwoGrabber::vp1394TwoFramerateType)atoi(optarg_);
286  break;
287  case 'g':
288  colorcoding_is_set = true;
289  colorcoding = (vp1394TwoGrabber::vp1394TwoColorCodingType)atoi(optarg_);
290  break;
291  case 'H':
292  roi_height = (unsigned int)atoi(optarg_);
293  break;
294  case 'i':
295  verbose_info = true;
296  break;
297  case 'L':
298  roi_left = (unsigned int)atoi(optarg_);
299  break;
300  case 'm':
301  multi = true;
302  break;
303  case 'n':
304  nframes = (unsigned int)atoi(optarg_);
305  break;
306  case 'o':
307  save = true;
308  opath = optarg_;
309  break;
310  case 'b':
311  ringbuffersize_is_set = true;
312  ringbuffersize = (unsigned int)atoi(optarg_);
313  break;
314  case 'p':
315  panControl = (unsigned int)atoi(optarg_);
316  panControl_is_set = true;
317  break;
318  case 'r':
319  reset = true;
320  break;
321  case 's':
322  verbose_settings = true;
323  break;
324  case 'T':
325  roi_top = (unsigned int)atoi(optarg_);
326  break;
327  case 'v':
328  videomode_is_set = true;
329  videomode = (vp1394TwoGrabber::vp1394TwoVideoModeType)atoi(optarg_);
330  break;
331  case 'W':
332  roi_width = (unsigned int)atoi(optarg_);
333  break;
334  case 'h':
335  case '?':
336  usage(argv[0], NULL, camera, nframes, opath, roi_left, roi_top, roi_width, roi_height, ringbuffersize,
337  panControl);
338  exit(0);
339  break;
340  }
341  }
343  if ((c == 1) || (c == -1)) {
344  // standalone param or error
345  usage(argv[0], NULL, camera, nframes, opath, roi_left, roi_top, roi_width, roi_height, ringbuffersize, panControl);
346  std::cerr << "ERROR: " << std::endl;
347  std::cerr << " Bad argument " << optarg_ << std::endl << std::endl;
348  exit(-1);
349  }
350 }
361 int main(int argc, const char **argv)
362 {
363  try {
364  unsigned int camera = 0;
365  bool multi = false;
366  bool verbose_info = false;
367  bool verbose_settings = false;
368  bool display = true;
369  unsigned int nframes = 50;
370  unsigned int offset;
371  bool videomode_is_set = false;
373  bool framerate_is_set = false;
375  bool colorcoding_is_set = false;
377  bool ringbuffersize_is_set = false;
378  unsigned int ringbuffersize = 4;
379  bool save = false;
380  bool reset = false;
381  unsigned int panControl = 0;
382  bool panControl_is_set = false;
384  // Format 7 roi
385  unsigned int roi_left = 0, roi_top = 0, roi_width = 0, roi_height = 0;
387  // Default output path for image saving
388  std::string opath = "/tmp/I%d-%04d.ppm";
390  read_options(argc, argv, multi, camera, nframes, verbose_info, verbose_settings, videomode_is_set, videomode,
391  framerate_is_set, framerate, colorcoding_is_set, colorcoding, ringbuffersize_is_set, ringbuffersize,
392  display, save, opath, roi_left, roi_top, roi_width, roi_height, reset, panControl, panControl_is_set);
394  // Create a grabber
395  vp1394TwoGrabber g(reset);
397  if (reset) {
398  // The experience shows that for some Marlin cameras (F131B and
399  // F033C) a tempo of 1s is requested after a bus reset.
400  vpTime::wait(1000); // Wait 1000 ms
401  }
403  // Number of cameras connected on the bus
404  unsigned int ncameras = 0;
405  g.getNumCameras(ncameras);
407  std::cout << "Number of cameras on the bus: " << ncameras << std::endl;
409  // Check the consistancy of the options
410  if (multi) {
411  // ckeck if two cameras are connected
412  if (ncameras < 2) {
413  std::cout << "You have only " << ncameras << " camera connected on the bus." << std::endl;
414  std::cout << "It is not possible to active multi-camera acquisition." << std::endl;
415  std::cout << "Disable -m command line option, or connect an other " << std::endl;
416  std::cout << "cameras on the bus." << std::endl;
417  g.close();
418  return (0);
419  }
420  }
421  if (camera >= ncameras) {
422  std::cout << "You have only " << ncameras;
423  std::cout << " camera connected on the bus." << std::endl;
424  std::cout << "It is not possible to select camera " << camera << std::endl;
425  std::cout << "Check your -c <camera> command line option." << std::endl;
426  g.close();
427  return (0);
428  }
430  if (multi) {
431  camera = 0; // to over write a bad option usage
432  } else {
433  ncameras = 1; // acquisition from only one camera
434  }
435  // Offset is used to set the correspondancy between and image and the
436  // camera. For example, images comming from camera (i+offset) are
437  // available in I[i]
438  offset = camera;
440  // Display information for each camera
441  if (verbose_info || verbose_settings) {
442  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ncameras; i++) {
444  g.setCamera(i + offset);
446  if (verbose_info)
447  g.printCameraInfo();
449  if (verbose_settings) {
453  std::list<vp1394TwoGrabber::vp1394TwoVideoModeType> lmode;
454  std::list<vp1394TwoGrabber::vp1394TwoFramerateType> lfps;
455  std::list<vp1394TwoGrabber::vp1394TwoColorCodingType> lcoding;
456  std::list<vp1394TwoGrabber::vp1394TwoVideoModeType>::const_iterator it_lmode;
457  std::list<vp1394TwoGrabber::vp1394TwoFramerateType>::const_iterator it_lfps;
458  std::list<vp1394TwoGrabber::vp1394TwoColorCodingType>::const_iterator it_lcoding;
459  uint64_t guid;
461  g.getVideoMode(curmode);
462  g.getFramerate(curfps);
463  g.getColorCoding(curcoding);
464  g.getVideoModeSupported(lmode);
465  g.getGuid(guid);
467  std::cout << "----------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl
468  << "---- Video modes and framerates supported by camera " << i + offset << " ----" << std::endl
469  << "---- with guid 0x" << std::hex << guid << " ----" << std::endl
470  << "---- * is for the current settings ----" << std::endl
471  << "---- between ( ) you have the corresponding option ----" << std::endl
472  << "---- to use. ----" << std::endl
473  << "----------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
475  for (it_lmode = lmode.begin(); it_lmode != lmode.end(); ++it_lmode) {
476  // Parse the list of supported modes
477  vp1394TwoGrabber::vp1394TwoVideoModeType supmode = *it_lmode;
478  if (curmode == supmode)
479  std::cout << " * " << vp1394TwoGrabber::videoMode2string(supmode) << " (-v " << (int)supmode << ")"
480  << std::endl;
481  else
482  std::cout << " " << vp1394TwoGrabber::videoMode2string(supmode) << " (-v " << (int)supmode << ")"
483  << std::endl;
485  if (g.isVideoModeFormat7(supmode)) {
486  // Format 7 video mode; no framerate setting, but color
487  // coding setting
488  g.getColorCodingSupported(supmode, lcoding);
489  for (it_lcoding = lcoding.begin(); it_lcoding != lcoding.end(); ++it_lcoding) {
491  supcoding = *it_lcoding;
492  if ((curmode == supmode) && (supcoding == curcoding))
493  std::cout << " * " << vp1394TwoGrabber::colorCoding2string(supcoding) << " (-g " << (int)supcoding
494  << ")" << std::endl;
495  else
496  std::cout << " " << vp1394TwoGrabber::colorCoding2string(supcoding) << " (-g " << (int)supcoding
497  << ")" << std::endl;
498  }
499  } else {
501  // Parse the list of supported framerates for a supported mode
502  g.getFramerateSupported(supmode, lfps);
503  for (it_lfps = lfps.begin(); it_lfps != lfps.end(); ++it_lfps) {
505  if ((curmode == supmode) && (supfps == curfps))
506  std::cout << " * " << vp1394TwoGrabber::framerate2string(supfps) << " (-f " << (int)supfps << ")"
507  << std::endl;
508  else
509  std::cout << " " << vp1394TwoGrabber::framerate2string(supfps) << " (-f " << (int)supfps << ")"
510  << std::endl;
511  }
512  }
513  }
514  std::cout << "----------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
515  }
516  }
517  return 0;
518  }
520  // If requested set the PAN register 0x884 to control single or
521  // multiple image transmission from stereo vision cameras.
522  if (panControl_is_set) {
523  g.setPanControl(panControl);
524  }
526  // If required modify camera settings
527  if (videomode_is_set) {
528  g.setCamera(camera);
529  g.setVideoMode(videomode);
530  } else {
531  // get The actual video mode
532  g.setCamera(camera);
533  g.getVideoMode(videomode);
534  }
535  if (framerate_is_set) {
536  g.setCamera(camera);
537  g.setFramerate(framerate);
538  }
539  if (colorcoding_is_set) {
540  g.setCamera(camera);
541  g.setColorCoding(colorcoding);
542  }
543  if (ringbuffersize_is_set) {
544  g.setRingBufferSize(ringbuffersize);
545  }
547  // In format 7 set roi to the hole image
548  if (g.isVideoModeFormat7(videomode))
549  g.setFormat7ROI(roi_left, roi_top, roi_width, roi_height);
551  // Array to know if color images or grey level images are acquired
552  bool *grab_color = new bool[ncameras];
554 #ifdef VISP_HAVE_X11
555  // allocate a display for each camera to consider
556  vpDisplayX *d = NULL;
557  if (display)
558  d = new vpDisplayX[ncameras];
559 #endif
561  // allocate an Grey and color image for each camera to consider
562  vpImage<vpRGBa> *Ic = new vpImage<vpRGBa>[ncameras];
565  // Do a first acquisition to initialise the display
566  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ncameras; i++) {
567  // Set the active camera on the bus
568  g.setCamera(i + offset);
569  // Ask each camera to know if color images or grey level images are
570  // acquired
571  grab_color[i] = g.isColor();
572  // Acquire the first image
573  if (grab_color[i]) {
574  g.acquire(Ic[i]);
575  std::cout << "Image size for camera " << i + offset << " : width: " << Ic[i].getWidth()
576  << " height: " << Ic[i].getHeight() << std::endl;
578 #ifdef VISP_HAVE_X11
579  if (display) {
580  // Initialise the display
581  char title[100];
582  sprintf(title, "Images captured by camera %u", i + offset);
583  d[i].init(Ic[i], (int)(100 + i * 50), (int)(100 + i * 50), title);
584  vpDisplay::display(Ic[i]);
585  vpDisplay::flush(Ic[i]);
586  }
587 #endif
588  } else {
589  g.acquire(Ig[i]);
590  std::cout << "Image size for camera " << i + offset << " : width: " << Ig[i].getWidth()
591  << " height: " << Ig[i].getHeight() << std::endl;
593 #ifdef VISP_HAVE_X11
594  if (display) {
595  // Initialise the display
596  char title[100];
597  sprintf(title, "Images captured by camera %u", i + offset);
598  d[i].init(Ig[i], (int)(100 + i * 50), (int)(100 + i * 50), title);
599  vpDisplay::display(Ig[i]);
600  vpDisplay::flush(Ig[i]);
601  }
602 #endif
603  }
604  }
606  // Main loop for single or multi-camera acquisition and display
607  std::cout << "Capture in process..." << std::endl;
609  double tbegin = 0, ttotal = 0;
611  ttotal = 0;
612  tbegin = vpTime::measureTimeMs();
613  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nframes; i++) {
614  for (unsigned int c = 0; c < ncameras; c++) {
615  // Set the active camera on the bus
616  g.setCamera(c + offset);
617  // Acquire an image
618  if (grab_color[c]) {
619  g.acquire(Ic[c]);
620 #ifdef VISP_HAVE_X11
621  if (display) {
622  // Display the last image acquired
623  vpDisplay::display(Ic[c]);
624  vpDisplay::flush(Ic[c]);
625  }
626 #endif
627  } else {
628  g.acquire(Ig[c]);
629 #ifdef VISP_HAVE_X11
630  if (display) {
631  // Display the last image acquired
632  vpDisplay::display(Ig[c]);
633  vpDisplay::flush(Ig[c]);
634  }
635 #endif
636  }
637  if (save) {
638  char buf[FILENAME_MAX];
639  sprintf(buf, opath.c_str(), c + offset, i);
640  std::string filename(buf);
641  std::cout << "Write: " << filename << std::endl;
642  if (grab_color[c]) {
643  vpImageIo::write(Ic[c], filename);
644  } else {
645  vpImageIo::write(Ig[c], filename);
646  }
647  }
648  }
649  double tend = vpTime::measureTimeMs();
650  double tloop = tend - tbegin;
651  tbegin = tend;
652  std::cout << "loop time: " << tloop << " ms" << std::endl;
653  ttotal += tloop;
654  }
656  std::cout << "Mean loop time: " << ttotal / nframes << " ms" << std::endl;
657  std::cout << "Mean frequency: " << 1000. / (ttotal / nframes) << " fps" << std::endl;
659  // Release the framegrabber
660  g.close();
662  // Free memory
664  delete[] Ic;
665  delete[] Ig;
666  delete[] grab_color;
668 #ifdef VISP_HAVE_X11
669  if (display)
670  delete[] d;
671 #endif
672  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
673  } catch (const vpException &e) {
674  std::cout << "Catch an exception: " << e << std::endl;
675  return EXIT_FAILURE;
676  }
677 }
678 #else
679 int main()
680 {
681  std::cout << "This example requires dc1394 SDK. " << std::endl;
682  std::cout << "Tip if you are on a unix-like system:" << std::endl;
683  std::cout << "- Install libdc1394-2, configure again ViSP using cmake and build again this example" << std::endl;
684  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
685 }
687 #endif
void init(vpImage< unsigned char > &I, int win_x=-1, int win_y=-1, const std::string &win_title="")
VISP_EXPORT int wait(double t0, double t)
Definition: vpTime.cpp:173
static std::string colorCoding2string(vp1394TwoColorCodingType colorcoding)
static std::string framerate2string(vp1394TwoFramerateType fps)
Use the X11 console to display images on unix-like OS. Thus to enable this class X11 should be instal...
Definition: vpDisplayX.h:134
error that can be emited by ViSP classes.
Definition: vpException.h:71
static void flush(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
static void write(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const std::string &filename, int backend=IO_DEFAULT_BACKEND)
Definition: vpImageIo.cpp:293
VISP_EXPORT double measureTimeMs()
Definition: vpTime.cpp:126
static bool parse(int *argcPtr, const char **argv, vpArgvInfo *argTable, int flags)
Definition: vpParseArgv.cpp:69
static void display(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
static std::string videoMode2string(vp1394TwoVideoModeType videomode)
unsigned int getHeight() const
Definition: vpImage.h:188
Class for firewire ieee1394 video devices using libdc1394-2.x api.
unsigned int getWidth() const
Definition: vpImage.h:246