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Tutorial: AprilTag marker detection on iOS


This tutorial follows the Tutorial: AprilTag marker detection and shows how AprilTag marker detection could be achieved with ViSP on iOS devices.

In the next section you will find an example that show how to detect tags in a single image. To know how to print an AprilTag marker, see Print an AprilTag marker.

Note that all the material (Xcode project and image) described in this tutorial is part of ViSP source code and could be downloaded using the following command:

$ svn export

AprilTag detection and pose estimation (single image)

Let us consider the Xcode project named StartedAprilTag that is part of ViSP source code and located in $VISP_WS/tutorial/ios/StartedAprilTag. This project is a Xcode "Single view application" that contain ImageConversion.h and to convert from/to UIImage to ViSP images (see Image conversion functions). It contains also ImageDisplay.h and files useful to display lines and frames in an image overlay, that handles the tag detection, and an image AprilTag.png used as input.

To open this application, if you followed Tutorial: Installation from prebuilt packages for iOS devices simply run:

$ cd $HOME/framework
$ svn export
$ open StartedAprilTag -a Xcode

or if you already downloaded ViSP following Tutorial: Installation from source for iOS devices run:

$ open $HOME/framework/visp/tutorial/ios/StartedAprilTag -a Xcode

Here you should see something similar to:


Once opened, you have just to drag & drop ViSP and OpenCV frameworks available in $HOME/framework/ios if you followed Tutorial: Installation from prebuilt packages for iOS devices.


In the dialog box, enable check box "Copy item if needed" to add visp3.framework and opencv2.framework to the project.


Now you should be able to build and run your application.

Image display functions

The Xcode project StartedAprilTag contains ImageDisplay.h and files that implement the functions to display a line or a frame in overlay of an UIImage.

Display a line

The following function implemented in show how to display a line.

// UIImage *image = <the image you want to add a line to>
// vpImagePoint &ip1 = Line first point
// vpImagePoint &ip2 = Line second point
// UIColor *color = <the color of the line>
// int tickness = <the tickness of the lines on the AprilTag contour>
+ (UIImage *)displayLine:(UIImage *)image :(vpImagePoint &)ip1 :(vpImagePoint &)ip2 :(UIColor*)color :(int)tickness
// Draw the original image as the background
[image drawAtPoint:CGPointMake(0,0)];
// Draw the line on top of original image
CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
CGContextSetLineWidth(context, tickness);
CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor(context, [color CGColor]);
CGContextMoveToPoint(context, ip1.get_u(), ip1.get_v());
CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, ip2.get_u(), ip2.get_v());
// Create new image
UIImage *retImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
// Tidy up
return retImage;

Display a 3D frame

The following function implemented in show how to display a 3D frame; red line for x, green for y and blue for z axis.

// UIImage *image = <the image you want to add a line to>
// vpHomogeneousMatrix cMo = <Homegeneous transformation>
// vpCameraParameters cam = <Camera parameters>
// double size = <Size of the frame in meter>
// int tickness = <the tickness of the lines describing the frame>
+ (UIImage *)displayFrame:(UIImage *)image :(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &)cMo :(const vpCameraParameters &)cam
:(double) size :(int)tickness
// Draw the original image as the background
[image drawAtPoint:CGPointMake(0,0)];
vpPoint o( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
vpPoint x(size, 0.0, 0.0);
vpPoint y( 0.0, size, 0.0);
vpPoint z( 0.0, 0.0, size);
vpImagePoint ipo, ip1;
vpMeterPixelConversion::convertPoint (cam, o.p[0], o.p[1], ipo);
// Draw red line on top of original image
vpMeterPixelConversion::convertPoint (cam, x.p[0], x.p[1], ip1);
CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
CGContextSetLineWidth(context, tickness);
CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor(context, [[UIColor redColor] CGColor]);
CGContextMoveToPoint(context, ipo.get_u(), ipo.get_v());
CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, ip1.get_u(), ip1.get_v());
// Draw green line on top of original image
vpMeterPixelConversion::convertPoint ( cam, y.p[0], y.p[1], ip1) ;
context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
CGContextSetLineWidth(context, tickness);
CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor(context, [[UIColor greenColor] CGColor]);
CGContextMoveToPoint(context, ipo.get_u(), ipo.get_v());
CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, ip1.get_u(), ip1.get_v());
// Draw blue line on top of original image
vpMeterPixelConversion::convertPoint ( cam, z.p[0], z.p[1], ip1) ;
context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
CGContextSetLineWidth(context, tickness);
CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor(context, [[UIColor blueColor] CGColor]);
CGContextMoveToPoint(context, ipo.get_u(), ipo.get_v());
CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, ip1.get_u(), ip1.get_v());
// Create new image
UIImage *retImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
// Tidy up
return retImage;

Application output

  • Now we are ready to build StartedAprilTag application using Xcode "Product \> Build" menu.
  • Once build, if you run StartedAprilTag application on your device, you should be able to see the following screen shot:

Known issues

iOS error: libxml/parser.h not found

Follow iOS error: libxml/parser.h not found link if you get this issue.

Next tutorial

You are now ready to follow Tutorial: AprilTag marker real-time detection on iOS that shows how to detect in realtime AprilTags from your iOS device camera.