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Visual Servoing Platform
version 3.4.0
This is the complete list of members for vpRealSense2, including all inherited members.
acquire(vpImage< unsigned char > &grey, double *ts=NULL) | vpRealSense2 | |
acquire(vpImage< vpRGBa > &color, double *ts=NULL) | vpRealSense2 | |
acquire(unsigned char *const data_image, unsigned char *const data_depth, std::vector< vpColVector > *const data_pointCloud, unsigned char *const data_infrared, rs2::align *const align_to=NULL, double *ts=NULL) | vpRealSense2 | |
acquire(unsigned char *const data_image, unsigned char *const data_depth, std::vector< vpColVector > *const data_pointCloud, unsigned char *const data_infrared1, unsigned char *const data_infrared2, rs2::align *const align_to, double *ts=NULL) | vpRealSense2 | |
acquire(vpImage< unsigned char > *left, vpImage< unsigned char > *right, double *ts=NULL) | vpRealSense2 | |
acquire(vpImage< unsigned char > *left, vpImage< unsigned char > *right, vpHomogeneousMatrix *cMw, vpColVector *odo_vel, vpColVector *odo_acc, unsigned int *confidence=NULL, double *ts=NULL) | vpRealSense2 | |
acquire(vpImage< unsigned char > *left, vpImage< unsigned char > *right, vpHomogeneousMatrix *cMw, vpColVector *odo_vel, vpColVector *odo_acc, vpColVector *imu_vel, vpColVector *imu_acc, unsigned int *tracker_confidence=NULL, double *ts=NULL) | vpRealSense2 | |
acquire(unsigned char *const data_image, unsigned char *const data_depth, std::vector< vpColVector > *const data_pointCloud, pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZ >::Ptr &pointcloud, unsigned char *const data_infrared=NULL, rs2::align *const align_to=NULL, double *ts=NULL) | vpRealSense2 | |
acquire(unsigned char *const data_image, unsigned char *const data_depth, std::vector< vpColVector > *const data_pointCloud, pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZ >::Ptr &pointcloud, unsigned char *const data_infrared1, unsigned char *const data_infrared2, rs2::align *const align_to, double *ts=NULL) | vpRealSense2 | |
acquire(unsigned char *const data_image, unsigned char *const data_depth, std::vector< vpColVector > *const data_pointCloud, pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGB >::Ptr &pointcloud, unsigned char *const data_infrared=NULL, rs2::align *const align_to=NULL, double *ts=NULL) | vpRealSense2 | |
acquire(unsigned char *const data_image, unsigned char *const data_depth, std::vector< vpColVector > *const data_pointCloud, pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGB >::Ptr &pointcloud, unsigned char *const data_infrared1, unsigned char *const data_infrared2, rs2::align *const align_to, double *ts=NULL) | vpRealSense2 | |
close() | vpRealSense2 | |
getCameraParameters(const rs2_stream &stream, vpCameraParameters::vpCameraParametersProjType type=vpCameraParameters::perspectiveProjWithDistortion, int index=-1) const | vpRealSense2 | |
getColorFrame(const rs2::frame &frame, vpImage< vpRGBa > &color) | vpRealSense2 | protected |
getDepthScale() | vpRealSense2 | |
getGreyFrame(const rs2::frame &frame, vpImage< unsigned char > &grey) | vpRealSense2 | protected |
getIMUAcceleration(vpColVector *imu_acc, double *ts) | vpRealSense2 | |
getIMUData(vpColVector *imu_vel, vpColVector *imu_acc, double *ts) | vpRealSense2 | |
getIMUVelocity(vpColVector *imu_vel, double *ts) | vpRealSense2 | |
getIntrinsics(const rs2_stream &stream, int index=-1) const | vpRealSense2 | |
getInvalidDepthValue() const | vpRealSense2 | inline |
getMaxZ() const | vpRealSense2 | inline |
getNativeFrameData(const rs2::frame &frame, unsigned char *const data) | vpRealSense2 | protected |
getOdometryData(vpHomogeneousMatrix *cMw, vpColVector *odo_vel, vpColVector *odo_acc, double *ts=NULL) | vpRealSense2 | |
getPipeline() | vpRealSense2 | inline |
getPipelineProfile() | vpRealSense2 | inline |
getPointcloud(const rs2::depth_frame &depth_frame, std::vector< vpColVector > &pointcloud) | vpRealSense2 | protected |
getPointcloud(const rs2::depth_frame &depth_frame, pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZ >::Ptr &pointcloud) | vpRealSense2 | protected |
getPointcloud(const rs2::depth_frame &depth_frame, const rs2::frame &color_frame, pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGB >::Ptr &pointcloud) | vpRealSense2 | protected |
getProductLine() | vpRealSense2 | |
getTransformation(const rs2_stream &from, const rs2_stream &to, int from_index=-1) const | vpRealSense2 | |
m_depthScale | vpRealSense2 | protected |
m_init | vpRealSense2 | protected |
m_invalidDepthValue | vpRealSense2 | protected |
m_max_Z | vpRealSense2 | protected |
m_pipe | vpRealSense2 | protected |
m_pipelineProfile | vpRealSense2 | protected |
m_pointcloud | vpRealSense2 | protected |
m_points | vpRealSense2 | protected |
m_pos | vpRealSense2 | protected |
m_product_line | vpRealSense2 | protected |
m_quat | vpRealSense2 | protected |
m_rot | vpRealSense2 | protected |
open(const rs2::config &cfg=rs2::config()) | vpRealSense2 | |
open(const rs2::config &cfg, std::function< void(rs2::frame)> &callback) | vpRealSense2 | |
operator<<(std::ostream &os, const vpRealSense2 &rs) | vpRealSense2 | friend |
setInvalidDepthValue(float value) | vpRealSense2 | inline |
setMaxZ(const float maxZ) | vpRealSense2 | inline |
vpRealSense2() | vpRealSense2 | |
~vpRealSense2() | vpRealSense2 | virtual |