39 #include <visp3/core/vpConfig.h> 41 #ifndef DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_THIS 42 #ifdef VISP_HAVE_BICLOPS 44 #ifndef __vpROBOT_BICLOPS_CONTROLLER_H 45 #define __vpROBOT_BICLOPS_CONTROLLER_H 56 #include <visp3/core/vpConfig.h> 62 class VISP_EXPORT Biclops;
84 class VISP_EXPORT vpRobotBiclopsController
90 } vpControllerStatusType;
93 #ifndef DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_THIS 96 vpControllerStatusType status[2];
99 double actual_q_dot[2];
122 vpRobotBiclopsController();
123 virtual ~vpRobotBiclopsController();
124 void init(
const std::string &configfile);
125 void setPosition(
const vpColVector &q,
const double percentVelocity);
131 PMDAxisControl *getPanAxis() {
return panAxis; };
132 PMDAxisControl *getTiltAxis() {
return tiltAxis; };
133 PMDAxisControl *getVergeAxis() {
return vergeAxis; };
134 void writeShm(shmType &shm);
136 bool isStopRequested() {
return stopControllerThread_; }
138 void stopRequest(
bool stop) { stopControllerThread_ = stop; }
145 PMDAxisControl *panAxis;
146 PMDAxisControl *tiltAxis;
147 PMDAxisControl *vergeAxis;
149 PMDAxisControl::Profile panProfile;
150 PMDAxisControl::Profile tiltProfile;
151 PMDAxisControl::Profile vergeProfile;
154 bool stopControllerThread_;
159 #endif // #ifndef DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_THIS Implementation of column vector and the associated operations.