Visual Servoing Platform  version 3.1.0
vpRect Member List

This is the complete list of members for vpRect, including all inherited members.

getBottom() constvpRectinline
getBottomRight() constvpRectinline
getCenter(double &x, double &y) constvpRectinline
getCenter() constvpRectinline
getHeight() constvpRectinline
getLeft() constvpRectinline
getRight() constvpRectinline
getSize() constvpRectinline
getTop() constvpRectinline
getTopLeft() constvpRectinline
getWidth() constvpRectinline
inRectangle(const vpImagePoint &ip, const vpRect &rect)vpRectfriend
isInside(const vpImagePoint &ip) constvpRect
moveCenter(double x, double y)vpRectinline
moveCenter(const vpImagePoint &center)vpRectinline
operator &(const vpRect &r) constvpRect
operator &=(const vpRect &r)vpRect
operator!=(const vpRect &r) constvpRect
operator<<(std::ostream &os, const vpRect &r)vpRectfriend
operator=(const vpRect &r)vpRect
operator==(const vpRect &r) constvpRect
set(double left, double top, double width, double height)vpRect
set(const vpImagePoint &topLeft, double width, double height)vpRect
set(const vpImagePoint &topLeft, const vpImagePoint &bottomRight)vpRect
set(const vpRect &r)vpRect
set(const std::vector< vpImagePoint > &ip)vpRect
setBottom(double pos)vpRectinline
setBottomRight(const vpImagePoint &bottomRight)vpRectinline
setHeight(double h)vpRectinline
setLeft(double pos)vpRectinline
setRect(double l, double t, double w, double h)vpRectinline
setRight(double pos)vpRectinline
setTop(double pos)vpRectinline
setTopLeft(const vpImagePoint &topLeft)vpRectinline
setWidth(double w)vpRectinline
vpRect(double left, double top, double width, double height)vpRect
vpRect(const vpImagePoint &topLeft, double width, double height)vpRect
vpRect(const vpImagePoint &topLeft, const vpImagePoint &bottomRight)vpRect
vpRect(const vpRect &r)vpRect
vpRect(const std::vector< vpImagePoint > &ip)vpRectexplicit