Visual Servoing Platform  version 3.6.1 under development (2024-04-28)
#include "ClassUsingPclViewer.h"
// PCL
#include <pcl/io/pcd_io.h>
// Visp
#include <visp3/core/vpTime.h>
#include <visp3/core/vpGaussRand.h>
#include <visp3/core/vpRobust.h>
#include <visp3/gui/vpColorBlindFriendlyPalette.h>
#include <visp3/io/vpKeyboard.h>
double zFunction(const double &x, const double &y, const unsigned int order)
const double offset(0.5);
double z(0.);
for (unsigned int n = 0; n <= order; n++) {
for (unsigned int k = 0; k <= order - n; k++) {
if (k + n > 0) {
z += std::pow(x, n) * std::pow(y, k);
else {
z += offset;
return z;
ClassUsingPclViewer::ClassUsingPclViewer(std::pair<double, double> xlimits, std::pair<double, double> ylimits, std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> nbPoints)
: m_t(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)
, m_R(M_PI_4, M_PI_4, M_PI_4)
, m_cMo(m_t, m_R)
, m_minX(xlimits.first)
, m_maxX(xlimits.second)
, m_n(nbPoints.first)
, m_minY(ylimits.first)
, m_maxY(ylimits.second)
, m_m(nbPoints.second)
, m_visualizer("Grid of points with / without robust")
m_dX = (m_maxX - m_minX) / (static_cast<double>(m_n) - 1.);
m_dY = (m_maxY - m_minY) / (static_cast<double>(m_m) - 1.);
std::pair<vpPclViewer::pclPointCloudPointXYZRGBPtr, vpPclViewer::pclPointCloudPointXYZRGBPtr> ClassUsingPclViewer::generateControlPoints(const double &addedNoise, const unsigned int &order, vpColVector &confidenceWeights)
std::pair<vpPclViewer::pclPointCloudPointXYZRGBPtr, vpPclViewer::pclPointCloudPointXYZRGBPtr> result;
// Create control points
vpPclViewer::pclPointCloudPointXYZRGBPtr unrotatedControlPoints(new vpPclViewer::pclPointCloudPointXYZRGB(m_n, m_m));
vpPclViewer::pclPointCloudPointXYZRGBPtr rotatedControlPoints(new vpPclViewer::pclPointCloudPointXYZRGB(m_n, m_m));
// Initializing confindence weights
confidenceWeights.resize(m_m * m_n);
// Noise generator for the observed points
// We deriberately choose to set the standard deviation to be twice the tolerated value to observe rejected points
r.setSigmaMean(addedNoise * 2., 0.);
// Residual vector to compute the confidence weights
vpColVector residuals(m_m * m_n);
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < m_m; j++) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_n; i++) {
// Creating model, expressed in the object frame
double oX = m_minX + (double)i * m_dX;
double oY = m_minY + (double)j * m_dY;
double oZ = zFunction(oX, oY, order);
// Setting the point coordinates of the first point cloud in
// the object frame
std::vector<double> point = { oX, oY, oZ,1. };
vpColVector oCoords = vpColVector(point);
(*unrotatedControlPoints)(i, j).x = oCoords[0];
(*unrotatedControlPoints)(i, j).y = oCoords[1];
(*unrotatedControlPoints)(i, j).z = oCoords[2];
// Moving the point into another coordinate frame
vpColVector cCoords = m_cMo * oCoords;
(*rotatedControlPoints)(i, j).x = cCoords[0];
(*rotatedControlPoints)(i, j).y = cCoords[1];
// Potentially adding some noise if the user asked to
double noise = r();
(*rotatedControlPoints)(i, j).z = cCoords[2] + noise;
// Filling the confidence weights with default value of 1.
confidenceWeights[j * m_n + i] = 1.;
// Indicating the residual, here it corresponds to the difference
// between the theoretical position of the point and the actual one
residuals[j * m_n + i] = noise;
if (std::abs(addedNoise) > 0.) {
// Estimating the confidence weights to remove points suffering too much noise
// See vpRobust documentation for more information.
vpRobust robust;
robust.MEstimator(vpRobust::TUKEY, residuals, confidenceWeights);
result.first = unrotatedControlPoints;
result.second = rotatedControlPoints;
return result;
void ClassUsingPclViewer::blockingMode(const double &addedNoise, const unsigned int &order)
// Confidence weights, that would be obtained thanks to vpRobust for instance
vpColVector confWeights;
std::pair<vpPclViewer::pclPointCloudPointXYZRGBPtr, vpPclViewer::pclPointCloudPointXYZRGBPtr> grids = generateControlPoints(addedNoise, order, confWeights);
// Adding a point cloud for which we don't chose the color
unsigned int id_ctrlPts = m_visualizer.addSurface(grids.first, "Standard");
// Adding a point cloud for which we chose the color
unsigned int id_robust = m_visualizer.addSurface(grids.second, confWeights, "RotatedWithRobust", color.to_RGB());
std::cout << "Press \"q\" while selecting the viewer window to stop the program." << std::endl;
void ClassUsingPclViewer::threadedMode(const double &addedNoise, const unsigned int &order)
// Confidence weights, that would be obtained thanks to vpRobust for instance
vpColVector confWeights;
// Create control points
std::pair<vpPclViewer::pclPointCloudPointXYZRGBPtr, vpPclViewer::pclPointCloudPointXYZRGBPtr> grids = generateControlPoints(addedNoise, order, confWeights);
// Adding a point cloud for which we don't chose the color
unsigned int id_ctrlPts = m_visualizer.addSurface(grids.first, "Standard");
// Adding a point cloud for which we chose the color
unsigned int id_robust = m_visualizer.addSurface(grids.second, confWeights, "RotatedWithRobust", color.to_RGB());
m_visualizer.updateSurface(grids.first, id_ctrlPts);
m_visualizer.updateSurface(grids.second, id_robust, confWeights);
vpKeyboard keyboard;
bool wantToStop = false;
double t;
std::cout << "Press any key in the console to stop the program." << std::endl;
while (!wantToStop) {
grids = generateControlPoints(addedNoise, order, confWeights);
m_visualizer.updateSurface(grids.first, id_ctrlPts);
m_visualizer.updateSurface(grids.second, id_robust, confWeights);
if (keyboard.kbhit()) {
wantToStop = true;
vpTime::wait(t, 40);
void dummy_class_using_pcl_visualizer()
{ }
Implementation of column vector and the associated operations.
Definition: vpColVector.h:163
void resize(unsigned int i, bool flagNullify=true)
Definition: vpColVector.h:1056
Class that furnishes a set of colors that color blind people should be able to distinguish one from a...
Class for generating random number with normal probability density.
Definition: vpGaussRand.h:116
void setSigmaMean(double sigma_val, double mean_val)
Definition: vpGaussRand.h:150
void seed(long seed_val)
Definition: vpGaussRand.h:161
Keyboard management under unix (Linux or OSX). This class is not available under windows.
Definition: vpKeyboard.h:82
int kbhit()
Definition: vpKeyboard.cpp:96
Contains an M-estimator and various influence function.
Definition: vpRobust.h:83
Tukey influence function.
Definition: vpRobust.h:88
void MEstimator(const vpRobustEstimatorType method, const vpColVector &residues, vpColVector &weights)
Definition: vpRobust.cpp:136
void setMinMedianAbsoluteDeviation(double mad_min)
Definition: vpRobust.h:156
VISP_EXPORT int wait(double t0, double t)
VISP_EXPORT double measureTimeMicros()
VISP_EXPORT double measureTimeMs()