ViSP  2.9.0
vpHomography Member List

This is the complete list of members for vpHomography, including all inherited members.

buildFrom(const vpRotationMatrix &aRb, const vpTranslationVector &atb, const vpPlane &bP)vpHomography
buildFrom(const vpThetaUVector &tu, const vpTranslationVector &atb, const vpPlane &bP)vpHomography
buildFrom(const vpPoseVector &arb, const vpPlane &bP)vpHomography
buildFrom(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &aMb, const vpPlane &bP)vpHomography
computeDisplacement(vpRotationMatrix &aRb, vpTranslationVector &atb, vpColVector &n)vpHomography
computeDisplacement(const vpColVector &nd, vpRotationMatrix &aRb, vpTranslationVector &atb, vpColVector &n)vpHomography
computeDisplacement(const vpMatrix H, const double x, const double y, vpList< vpRotationMatrix > &vR, vpList< vpTranslationVector > &vT, vpList< vpColVector > &vN)vpHomographystatic
DLT(const std::vector< double > &xb, const std::vector< double > &yb, const std::vector< double > &xa, const std::vector< double > &ya, vpHomography &aHb, bool normalization=true)vpHomographystatic
DLT(unsigned int n, double *xb, double *yb, double *xa, double *ya, vpHomography &aHb)vpHomographystatic
getCols() const vpHomographyinline
getRows() const vpHomographyinline
HartleyDLT(unsigned int n, double *xb, double *yb, double *xa, double *ya, vpHomography &aHb)vpHomographystatic
HLM(const std::vector< double > &xb, const std::vector< double > &yb, const std::vector< double > &xa, const std::vector< double > &ya, bool isplanar, vpHomography &aHb)vpHomographystatic
HLM(unsigned int n, double *xb, double *yb, double *xa, double *ya, bool isplan, vpHomography &aHb)vpHomographystatic
inverse() const vpHomography
inverse(vpHomography &Hi) const vpHomography
load(std::ifstream &f)vpHomography
operator*(const vpHomography &H) const vpHomography
operator*(const double &v) const vpHomography
operator*(const vpColVector &b) const vpHomography
operator/(const double &v) const vpHomography
operator/=(double v)vpHomography
operator<<(std::ostream &s, const vpHomography &H)vpHomographyfriend
operator=(const vpHomography &H)vpHomography
operator=(const vpMatrix &H)vpHomography
operator[](unsigned int i)vpHomographyinline
operator[](unsigned int i) const vpHomographyinline
project(const vpCameraParameters &cam, const vpHomography &bHa, const vpImagePoint &iPa)vpHomographystatic
project(const vpHomography &bHa, const vpPoint &Pa)vpHomographystatic
ransac(const std::vector< double > &xb, const std::vector< double > &yb, const std::vector< double > &xa, const std::vector< double > &ya, vpHomography &aHb, std::vector< bool > &inliers, double &residual, unsigned int nbInliersConsensus, double threshold, bool normalization=true)vpHomographystatic
ransac(unsigned int n, double *xb, double *yb, double *xa, double *ya, vpHomography &aHb, int consensus=1000, double threshold=1e-6)vpHomographystatic
ransac(unsigned int n, double *xb, double *yb, double *xa, double *ya, vpHomography &aHb, vpColVector &inliers, double residual=0.1, int consensus=1000, double threshold=1e-6, double areaThreshold=0.0)vpHomographystatic
robust(const std::vector< double > &xb, const std::vector< double > &yb, const std::vector< double > &xa, const std::vector< double > &ya, vpHomography &aHb, std::vector< bool > &inlier, double &residual, double weights_threshold=0.4, unsigned int niter=4, bool normalization=true)vpHomographystatic
save(std::ofstream &f) const vpHomography
vpHomography(const vpHomography &H)vpHomography
vpHomography(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &aMb, const vpPlane &bP)vpHomography
vpHomography(const vpRotationMatrix &aRb, const vpTranslationVector &atb, const vpPlane &bP)vpHomography
vpHomography(const vpThetaUVector &tu, const vpTranslationVector &atb, const vpPlane &bP)vpHomography
vpHomography(const vpPoseVector &arb, const vpPlane &bP)vpHomography